Pork Bean Soup Recipe

The bean is one of the foods that belongs to the basic basket of Mexicans, which is why it becomes one of the main ingredients for a wide variety of dishes of Mexican cuisine, since in addition to having a great flavor and combine with many more ingredients, it has a very affordable price and we can get it in any supermarket or in the corner markets.

This time we bring you an exquisite recipe based on black beans, which is very easy to prepare and also has a great flavor. We will show you how to make bean soup, a preparation that we will accompany with one of the richest and juiciest meats that exist, pork.

So we invite you to stay with us and together we will prepare this delicious bean soup with pork recipe step by step. You cannot lose this!

Ingredients to make Pork Bean Soup:

  • 1 kilogram of pork in pieces
  • ½ kilogram of black beans
  • ½ kilogram of green tomato
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • ½ piece of Onion
  • 3 pieces of green Chile Serrano
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Pork Bean Soup:

  1. In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare this rich bean soup with pork.
  2. To start with this preparation we must cook the black bean. If you have an express pot, it is perfect since the beans will cook faster; If you don’t have any, I recommend that you soak the beans overnight or at least 8 hours before, as this softens them and makes them cook faster. Then we put the beans in a saucepan with enough water, add a clove of garlic and half the onion, and let them cook until they feel very soft.
  3. On the other hand, we take the pieces of pork and fry them in a saucepan with previously heated oil, let them fry until they are completely cooked.
  4. Meanwhile, on a hot griddle we are going to place the green tomatoes together with the Serrano peppers, the remaining half of the onion and the garlic so that they roast very well.
  5. Once all the aforementioned ingredients are browned, we place them in the blender and mix them perfectly until we obtain a homogeneous sauce for the bean soup with pork.
  6. Once our sauce for the bean soup is ready, pour it over the well-browned pieces of pork, and let all this fry together for 5 minutes, adding a pinch of salt to season.
  7. After this time we add the already well cooked beans together with their broth and mix perfectly. Let the bean soup with pork cook for 5 more minutes, correct seasoning and if necessary add a little more salt.

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