Polenta gnocchi recipe

The polenta gnocchi recipe is a very popular dish in the region of Italy. The main ingredient is the potato that is accompanied along with a rich sauce. Tradition says that a plate of gnocchi is sometimes served with a bill under the plate.

If you are wondering how to make delicious polenta gnocchi, do not miss this article, we offer you an original, tasty and gluten-free recipe. Continue reading to learn how to make them

Ingredients to make polenta gnocchi:

  1. 1 cup of cornmeal (120 grams)
  2. 1½ cups skim milk
  3. 1½ cups of water (360 milliliters)
  4. 30 grams of grated cheese
  5. Gratin:
  6. 200 cubic centimeters of skimmed milk
  7. 3 tablespoons of cornstarch
  8. nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste
  9. 30 grams of grated cheese

How to make polenta gnocchi:

  • To start preparing the homemade polenta gnocchi recipe, first boil the milk with the water.
  • Tip:if you are on a vegan or lactose-free diet, you can replace the milk with a vegetable drink.
  • Once it starts to boil, sprinkle the cornmeal in the form of rain.
  • Lower the heat and stir constantly until you get a thick and creamy consistency.
  • Integrate grated cheese into your creamy polenta.
  • On an allowance, arrange a rectangle of plastic wrap. In the center dump the polenta that you have prepared.
  • With the help of your hands, wrap the polenta in the form of a roll, making sure that it is as even and compressed as possible.
  • Close the edges and chill your polenta roll to prepare the gnocchi for at least 1 hour.
  • After the time has elapsed, remove the film and cut the gnocchi to a size similar to 1 little finger wide.
  • Arrange them in a roasting pan or mold suitable for oven. Reserve them.
  • On the other hand, prepare the white sauce to gratin your polenta gnocchi. This step is not mandatory, since you could accompany it with other sauces such as Paris, but we will teach you how to make this proposal.
  • Well, to make the white sauce, dissolve the cornstarch in the cold milk. Microwave for 1 minute, stir and heat for another 30 seconds. Repeat as many times as necessary to thicken. Season it to taste. This is a simplified and dietary version of the white sauce, since we do not use fatty means to prepare it.
  • Cover your polenta gnocchi with the white sauce.
  • Finally, sprinkle them with the grated cheese. Take them to a strong oven (200 °C) until they are gratin. We recommend you heat them on the grill so that the heat from above grills them faster.
  • Serve and enjoy these delicious gluten-free polenta gnocchi. Don’t forget the silver under the plate!

Nutrition recommendations

  • If you are diabetic, are looking to lose weight or want to eat healthy, we recommend accompanying these gnocchi with vegetables. You can make spinach, broccoli or pumpkin sauce. If not, you can also eat a vegetable soup or a salad as a starter. This will make you moderate your portion in addition to controlling the absorption of the hydrates present in this recipe (polenta and cornstarch).

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