Plantain fritters recipe

Are you craving an easy dessert to prepare? And delicious? What do you think of something prepared with plantains? Sounds good right? The male plantain, also known as green plantain, is a type of banana that is characterized by being larger, having a thicker peel and a hard pulp, which makes it impossible for us to consume it without first having undergone some cooking method. Once cooked, it is a fruit with a rich consistency and an incredible flavor, and there is a wide variety of dishes in which it is the protagonist, besides everything, in terms of its nutritional value it is high in potassium, magnesium and calcium, perfect for bones and muscles, and contains high amounts of vitamin B6, which is a great help for our body’s immune system, since it helps protect us from infections and viral diseases.

For all these benefits that the plantain offers us, on this occasion, we have decided to bring you a fascinating dessert made from this fruit, some delicious plantain fritters. Stay with us and discover this simple and rich preparation step by step.

Ingredients to make Plantain Fritters:

  • 2 pieces of plantain
  • 1 cup of flour for pancakes
  • 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon powder
  • ¼ cup of Sugar (50 grams)
  • 2 pieces of Egg
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • ½ teaspoon of Salt
  • ¼ cup of Milk (60 milliliters)

How to make Plantain Fritters:

  1. In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare this exquisite dessert.
  2. Once everyone is together, to find out how to make plantain fritters, follow the instructions!
  3. We are going to start the recipe by preparing the mixture that will allow us to coat the bananas.
  4. To do this, we take the pancake flour and place it in a deep container together with the cinnamon, sugar and salt, and mix perfectly until everything is well integrated.
  5. Now, we take the eggs and add them to the mixture, we beat with the help of a fork until all the ingredients are well integrated.
  6. Then, we add the milk and melted butter to the batter and, again, incorporate all the ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is observed.
  7. In this step, if you want, you can use a hand blender to integrate the mixture and make it smooth.
  8. Once the mixture is ready, we reserve it for a moment to continue with the recipe for easy banana fritters.
  9. So, we take the plantains and slice them into slices approximately half a centimeter thick.
  10. We submerge each of the slices in the batter that we prepared previously, making sure that they are perfectly covered, as shown in the photograph.
  11. Keep in mind that the more covered the green plantain is, the crunchier the sweet fritters will be.
  12. Now, we place the breaded plantain slices on a pan with enough hot oil, and let them fry.
  13. We must be aware to prevent the fried banana fritters from burning; likewise, we cook them over medium heat.
  14. Once golden brown, remove the buns from the oil and place them on absorbent paper to remove any excess fat they may have.
  15. And that’s it! We serve the sweet plantain fritters with a little icing sugar or, if you prefer, with condensed milk. Enjoy it!

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