Plain Arepa Recipe

The arepa is something like a round and thin bread, made from corn flour and water. It is a classic of Latin American cuisine, especially from countries like Venezuela and Colombia. Its origin dates back to pre-Columbian times, that is, we could consider it as a legacy of our indigenous ancestors.

Over the years, more than 20 varieties of arepas have been created. Not only in the combination of different fillings, but also different dough preparations. This time, we will teach you how to make the “llanera” arepa. As its name indicates, it is characteristic of the cuisine of the plains. It recalls the countryside, cattle and vegetables, so in its filling it combines juicy grilled meat with a fresh tomato salad.

This llanera arepa is very easy to make and requires few ingredients, so it will be ideal for a fresh, quick and easy lunch, you will love it! Learn how to make arepa llanera below

Ingredients to make Arepa llanera:

• 4 arepas

• 4 rack fillets

• 1 large tomato

• 1 tablespoon dried parsley or oregano

How to make arepa llanera:

To start preparing these simple but delicious arepas llaneras, heat a nonstick skillet with a little oil. In it, add the meat and lower the heat to medium. Cook it 7 minutes and turn it over. Let it cook another 7 minutes.

Trick: you can replace it with beef.

While the meat is cooking, wash and cut the tomato into cubes. Season to taste with chopped fresh oregano or parsley. Heat your arepas and cut them down the middle, but not all the way through. It should be like a book, ready to fill. Prepare your own arepas with this Fried Corn Arepas Recipe. Proceed to assemble your arepas llaneras filling each one with the meat with the tomato. If you wish, you can add an avocado also cut into cubes. To eat!

Tip: Accompany this arepa with a large salad to complete your plate and provide more satiety.

Nutritional information of the llanera arepa

This arepa is very healthy and nutritious. In 1 serving it provides 350 calories. In addition, by combining carbohydrates, proteins and vegetables, it gives a lot of satiety. This means that the food will be in your stomach longer, preventing you from snacking throughout the day. That is why if you are looking to lose weight or eat healthy, this option is ideal for you. Once again, we see that eating healthy is not synonymous with boring. To enjoy!

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