Pizza Rolls Recipe

Ingredients to make Pizza Rolls:

  1. 100 grams of wheat flour
  2. 2 tablespoons of active yeast
  3. 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  4. 3 units of Sausages
  5. parmesan type cheese
  6. 1 pinch of salt

How to make Pizza Rolls:

  • For this pizza roll recipe, the first thing you should do is get all the ingredients ready. These are for 7 rolls.
  • The first thing we are going to prepare is the pizza dough, for this, form a volcano with the flour, make a hole in the center and place the yeast with a pinch of sugar and outside the dough place a pinch of salt, add 5 tablespoons of warm water in the center and leave it like that for 5 minutes, this in order to activate the yeast.
  • Then begin to knead, always integrating from the inside to prevent liquids from coming out, knead constantly and energetically until a soft and homogeneous mass is left. Leave the dough covered and inside the oven turned off for half an hour while it rises.
  • Once the dough is ready, stretch it out on a flat surface and cut triangles of the same size with a knife. Add some tomato paste, place cut sausages and cheese.
  • Roll up the pizza from the thickest part to the tip, making sure that the filling does not come out, place the pizza rolls on a baking tray and bake for 15 minutes at 180ºC.
  • Serve and taste these pizza rolls with your family or friends on movie nights or as entrances.

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