Pizza recipe with sourdough

This time we are going to learn how to prepare a sourdough called polish, whose origin is Polish although it was introduced for the first time in France. With this sourdough what we are going to do is prepare homemade pizza, healthier and more delicious. However, at first glance it may seem that it has a drawback, and that is that the sourdough needs 5 days to ferment. Well, we show a way to make sourdough for pizza in just one day, easier and faster!

Ingredients to make Pizza with sourdough:

  1. 1 tablespoon of salt
  2. For the sourdough:
  3. 100 grams of strength flour
  4. 5 grams of a 25-gram tablet of fresh yeast
  5. 100 deciliters of water
  6. For the pizza dough:
  7. 150 grams of flour of strength or another of your choice
  8. 2 grams of fresh yeast
  9. 100 deciliters of water

How to make sourdough pizza:

  • Start by preparing the sourdough. To do this, introduce the yeast into about 100 deciliters of warm water.
  • Add this mixture to the flour and stir; the texture of porridge should remain, slightly liquid. Place the sourdough for pizza in a jar with an airtight seal, cover it and store it in a cool and dry place without temperature disturbances. You should let it ferment for at least 10 hours.
  • Take out the sourdough that you prepared the night before, place it in a large container, add the flour and a pinch of salt and start kneading. Separately, dissolve the yeast in about 20 deciliters of the 100 of water.
  • Tip: Do not add the remaining water if you see that the dough is not forming a ball that you can knead without problem.
  • Stir well and add the water with the dissolved yeast little by little so that it binds and forms a ball of dough that detaches from the container. Add the rest of the water if the dough requires it. Knead for 4 minutes.
  • Shape into a ball and let the sourdough pizza dough rest in a container covered with plastic wrap or a kitchen towel for approximately 20 minutes.
  • Uncover and knead for 4 minutes. After this time, form the pizza base. To do this, separate the dough in two, since the amounts are enough for two bases, sprinkle a little common flour on the table, knead and extend the base, giving it the shape you like best: rounded or rectangular. Place the dough on a sheet of parchment or parchment paper and let it rest for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180ºC with heat up and down.
  • Trick: You can help yourself with a rolling pin or a glass bottle to spread the dough.
  • You already have your sourdough pizza base! Now you only have to fill it with the ingredients that you like the most. In this case, we have chosen to add four ingredients: tomato sauce, mushrooms, spring onion and brie cheese.
  • Trick: add if you like, oregano and basil.
  • Put the pizza in the oven, preferably in the lower part, and cook it for approximately 25 minutes. If you see that it needs to brown a little more on top, you can raise it to the center once you have the bottom part of the pizza already golden. This sourdough pizza recipe is super crispy and juicy. In short, a real pleasure.

Pizza with sourdough – Information and ideas

Sourdough is a type of ferment that is prepared to make bread dough’s, mainly. Basically it is about putting flour, water and yeast in a container and keeping the covered container in a dry place at room temperature, covered with film or an airtight lid for approximately five days. During these days a small proportion of flour and the same amount of water are added to it, it is stirred and it is left stored again. Throughout the fermentation, the dough changes, acquiring a similar appearance to a kind of vegetable sponge. After this time, you already have your sourdough ready to mix with the usual dough that you usually prepare.

There are long-lived dough’s, that is, you can have sourdough forever, you only have to save a small proportion of the dough you have already prepared and feed it. The dough that is best preserved for fermentation is the strong one, although it can be prepared with normal wheat flour.

This type of ferment brings many benefits to homemade dough, such as bread dough or pizza dough that we have learned to prepare, such as allowing nutrients to be preserved much better, improving the organoleptic qualities of the preparations and favoring digestion. .

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