Pizza recipe with potato dough

If you think that all pizzas contain gluten, this recipe we shared will surprise you, because this user offers us a pizza with potato-based dough, it has to be delicious!

Stay and learn how to make the famous pizza with potato dough, and also learn how to prepare a Portobello mushroom stir-fry for the filling of this delicious vegetable pizza.

Ingredients to make Pizza with potato dough:

  1. Mass
  2. 1 cup of potato flour
  3. 1 cup of mashed potatoes
  4. ¼ cup Butter (56¼ grams)
  5. 1 pinch of salt
  6. 1 egg
  7. 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  8. stuffed with mushrooms
  9. 1 handful of Portobello Mushrooms (to taste)
  10. 1 onion
  11. 3 garlic cloves
  12. 1 handful of black olives
  13. 1 splash of olive oil
  14. vegetables to taste
  15. 100 grams of mozzarella cheese

How to make Pizza with potato dough:

  • To make the potato dough for pizza, gather all the ingredients on the list and mix little by little. The idea is to form a smooth and homogeneous mass.
  • When you have the dough ready, spread it out on the pizza tray, previously greased with oil and take it to the oven. Cook the dough for 15 minutes at 180-190 ºC
  • Meanwhile, to make the potato pizza filling, chop everything finely and place in a pan with a little oil to make a soft fry. Then cook over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring everything so that the flavors are well distributed.
  • Trick: Remember that you can modify the ingredients to taste, adding other vegetables or extras that you want for your potato pizza
  • To finish off, place the filling on the pizza dough, distribute mozzarella cheese to taste and return to the oven. Give it the final touch of cooking in the oven, for 15 more minutes at 180-190 ºC.
  • Serve and enjoy the pizza with potato dough and mushrooms. This vegetarian recipe is perfect to share with the family; you will see how the flavor and texture of the breast surprise everyone.

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