Pizza recipe in pan without yeast

Ready to prepare an exquisite pizza in a cast iron pan? Well, first I must tell you not to be scared by the number of steps, the truth is that the recipe is super easy, but we wanted to explain all the tricks and details that you should know so that you have a perfect pizza without an oven.

The flavors are always to taste, but this time we have prepared a pepperoni pizza and another with anchovies, onion and olives. If you don’t like something about this, change it! As for the dough, the pan pizzas are made with practically the same dough as a pizza in the oven, but the good thing about this is that we will make it without yeast, in this way we will make an easy and quick pizza dough with beer, all thought so you get a great dish without killing yourself a lot in the kitchen.

Ingredients to make Pizza in pan without yeast:

  • Mass
  • 200 grams of wheat flour
  • 125 milliliters of beer
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 4 grams of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of ground oregano
  • Additional features
  • 1 can of fried tomato
  • 160 grams of grated mozzarella cheese
  • 4 cherry tomatoes
  • Pepperoni
  • 1 handful of black olives
  • 4 anchovies
  • ¼ purple onion

How to make Pizza in a pan without yeast:

  1. The first step will be to prepare the pizza dough, and then we sift the flour together with the salt and place it in the shape of a volcano in a large enough bowl.
  2. Add the oregano and olive oil in the central hole. Then we add the beer little by little and mix everything with the help of a kitchen spatula until we can no longer continue.
  3. At this point we continue to knead with our hands until all the ingredients are well integrated. The unleavened pizza dough should have a smooth consistency, we will see how easily it detaches from the edges of the bowl, and then we will know that it is ready.
  4. We form a ball of dough that we will leave in the bowl. Cover with a kitchen towel and leave to rest for 30 minutes.
  5. This pizza dough with beer is one of the ways to make pizza without yeast, but you can also make it with just oil
  6. Tip: For the result to be optimal it is very important that the beer is at room temperature.
  7. After the resting time, the first thing we will do is put a pan with a lid over high heat so that it heats up well, about 3-4 minutes will suffice.
  8. Meanwhile, recover the dough and stretch it in a circular shape, the size of the pan. With these quantities, you should have enough to make two small, individual size pizzas or one large one.
  9. Then, when the pan is hot, carefully place the batter in and put on the lid. Lower the flame to almost the minimum and pre-cook for about 5-8 minutes, you should wait until you see that the dough increases slightly in size and looks a little golden on the bottom.
  10. Meanwhile, we heat the fried tomato in the microwave so we can put it on the pizza. The secret to a perfect homemade pan pizza is to add the hot sauce. You can do for intervals of 30-40 seconds until it is very hot.
  11. Now that we have the hot sauce and the dough is pre-cooked, we turn the dough over and add a thin layer of hot sauce over the part that is more golden, then add the extras and finish with a good layer of grated cheese.
  12. We have prepared two different pan pizzas, dividing the extras in this way: on one pizza sliced ​​onion and black olives with anchovies and on another, slices of cherry tomato and pepperoni.
  13. Immediately after that we cover the pan again and continue cooking for another 6-7 minutes. We have to wait for the cheese to melt and the edges to look golden and crisp.
  14. It is very important to dry the lid very well because it will surely be full of drops of water and humidity.
  15. After this time, sprinkle a little oregano on each pizza in a pan without yeast and ready… to eat!

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