Pizza recipe four seasons with Thermo mix

The dough for this pizza is very similar to what we make to cook white bread, and if we also add olive oil or a little milk, a thin, crunchy and delicious crust will form when cooked.

We can have the 4 season’s pizza dough prepared and frozen alone without ingredients, precooking it for 7 or 8 minutes, and then we let it cool and put it in the freezer. When we have to use it, we simply cover it with the ingredients without having to defrost it and finish baking it. That’s easy!

Ingredients to make Pizza four seasons with Thermo mix:

  1. Ingredients for the dough:
  2. 130 milliliters of water
  3. 1 teaspoon salt
  4. 250 grams of special pizza flour (it has built-in yeast)
  5. 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  6. For the coverage:
  7. 100 grams of fresh mushrooms in slices
  8. 100 grams of artichokes drained and divided in half
  9. 100 grams of chopped York ham
  10. 25 grams of chopped pitted green olives
  11. 50 grams of grated cheese
  12. 1 teaspoon oregano
  13. 25 grams of black olives to garnish
  14. 130 grams of fried tomato

How to make Pizza four seasons with Thermo mix:

  • Preheat the oven to 200 ºC and proceed to prepare the pizza dough with Thermo mix: put the liquids in the glass, heat those for one minute at 50 ºC on speed 2. Add the flour and salt, program one minute on spike speed and we already have the finished dough.
  • We grease our hands with a little oil and take the dough out of the glass, stretch it with our hands over the mold (I have used one with a 32 cm diameter) leaving it very thin or we can stretch it on a table with a rolling pin. The dough should cover the entire mold as shown in the photo.
  • Tip: If we use normal flour, for 250 g we have to put 12.5 g of fresh baker’s yeast.
  • We mark 4 triangles on the dough and place the ingredients of the four season’s pizza in a decorative way, first covering it all with the fried tomato (but thinly sliced ​​​​raw tomatoes can be used).
  • You can also try this four cheese pizza with Thermo mix by changing the ingredients of the filling.
  • We cover the 4 seasons pizza with a layer of ham cut into 4 triangles, and in one of them we put the chopped green olives on top, in another the black olives, in another the mushrooms and in the last one the artichokes, trying to place them in a decorative.
  • Finally, sprinkle everything with oregano and grated cheese on top. We put the Italian 4-season pizza in the oven for 20 minutes. And ready to serve!

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