Pizza Flavored Zucchini Recipe

Ingredients to make zucchini flavored pizza:

  • 1 zucchini unit
  • 1 piece of green pepper
  • 1 handful of cubed ham
  • 1 piece of cheese in cubes
  • 1 pinch of oregano
  • 400 grams of tomato sauce
  • 1 piece of Cheese to grate

How to make Zucchini Flavored Pizza:

  1. Take a mandolin and cut the zucchini into very thin slices.
  2. Then, we take a microwave-safe container and place the zucchini slices inside so that they cover the entire bottom.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients to taste except the tomato.
  4. The ingredients described above can be incorporated or replaced by others.
  5. We place another layer of zucchini slices and repeat this process as many times as we want.
  6. When we reach the last layer, we finish with the tomato sauce and spread it well.
  7. We cover the container with plastic wrap and put it in the microwave for 13-15 minutes, depending on the power.
  8. After this time, we remove the plastic taking care not to burn ourselves and separate the edges of the zucchini pizza from the container.
  9. Carefully remove the preparation from the container and serve it. When you try it, you will see that zucchini really has a pizza flavor and is a real delight

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