Pizza dough recipe with rice flour

We are going to prepare pizza dough with rice flour to make gluten-free pizzas, that is, suitable for celiac people, much easier to digest. This pizza base is not as spongy as traditional pizza, since this flour does not rise like wheat flour; in fact we can even do without yeast. To make it fluffier, you can mix the rice flour with other whole grain flours, but make sure to use them gluten-free if people with celiac disease are going to eat.

This is a healthy pizza that is prepared in no time, since it does not have to ferment. Likewise, this pizza is crunchy because with this flour the base must be thin to prevent it from being dry. If you want to try it, keep reading and discover how to make pizza dough with rice flour.

Ingredients to make Pizza Dough with Rice Flour:

  1. 300 grams of rice flour
  2. 1 dessert spoon of salt
  3. 125 milliliters of plain water
  4. 13 grams of fresh yeast or 4 grams of dry yeast
  5. 25 milliliters of olive oil

How to make Pizza Dough with Rice Flour:

  • Put the rice flour in a bowl with the yeast, salt and olive oil. You can also make the pizza dough with rice flour in a food processor with the dough hook.
  • Tip:remember that you can also make the pizza dough with unleavened rice flour.
  • Go adding the water and mixing. The water must be natural or slightly warm so that it mixes well with the ingredients. A little more water may be needed, which is why it is important to add it little by little and mixing at the same time. At first you will notice that it is a little difficult to unite the dough due to the rice flour, so you will have to knead with your hands exerting pressure.
  • Trick:a totally valid option is to make pizza dough with rice flour and cornstarch mixing both flours in equal parts, so it will be a little spongier.
  • Knead until you can form a ball, which will take approximately 10 minutes. Place the dough in a bowl and let it rest for 15 minutes.
  • After this time, spread the dough with a roller with a vegetable sheet underneath, so you will stretch it better and it will not stick. If it breaks, reattach it with your hands.
  • Transfer the dough to an oven tray and adapt it to the base. It is preferable to leave the pizza dough with very fine rice flour, since it remembers that it does not sponge.
  • Heat the oven to 200ºC with heat up and down. Meanwhile, spread a layer of tomato sauce for pizza and add the ingredients that you like the most. We use tofu, mushrooms, ham and mozzarella. Then, bake the pizza by placing it on the bottom of the oven, since rice flour pizza dough takes a bit longer to cook.
  • When you see that it is golden, especially on the bottom, take it out and serve it right away. The rice flour pizza dough recipe is easy and requires fewer ingredients than traditional pizza dough; however, it is true that kneading is more complicated because this flour needs a little more time to bind to the water.

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