Pizza Dough Recipe

Super easy and very rich. If you are thinking of eating a delicious pizza but you feel like cooking… why not do it all at home? we have the perfect recipes for a good tomato sauce, ideas for flavor combinations and to finish, we shares this wonderful pizza dough recipe.

Ingredients to make Pizza Dough:

  • 1 kilogram of flour
  • 5 tablespoons of Oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 envelope of Yeast or the one you have
  • 1 cup of lukewarm water
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar

How to make Pizza Dough:

  1. The first step in making homemade pizza dough will be to activate the yeast. To do this, in the cup of warm water add the tablespoon of sugar and yeast. Stir well and let rest. Do not let it inflate too much as it can overflow.
  2. Pour almost all the flour in a bowl or on the counter and remember to leave a little to put at the end of the dough, to stretch it. Make a hole in the middle, add the salt on the edge, pour the leavened yeast into the hole, the oil and mix a little.
  3. Little by little, add the warm water, and mix everything until the dough is formed. Add the water that you think is necessary.
  4. After the dough is formed, let it rest in a bowl covered with plastic wrap. Let it rest for as long as you want. The pizza dough should double or triple in volume.
  5. Finally, after letting it rest for the desired time, you can stretch the homemade pizza dough and make the pizza with the flavors that you like the most.

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