Pizza base dough recipe

We all like to eat pizza and those who like to cook it surely also like to prepare their own dough and for them precisely, we have this step-by-step recipe for pizza base dough.

Learn how to make homemade pizza  and enjoy a delicious dish with the flavors and extras that you like the most, with this Italian pizza dough you can make them in a thousand different flavors. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make base dough for pizza:

  • 400 grams of flour
  • 14 grams of dry yeast
  • 1 tablespoon of Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 240 milliliters of Water (1 cup)
  • 1 tablespoon of Oil

How to make base dough for pizza:

  1. Prepare all the ingredients to make our base dough for homemade and traditional pizza. To make this type of dough, we recommend using flour or pastry flour.
  2. To start preparing this pizza dough, place the sifted flour, yeast and sugar in a bowl. Then, with the help of a fork, we mix the dry ingredients.
  3. Remember that sifting or sifting means first going through a fine strainer, in this way we prevent lumps from forming in the spongy pizza dough.
  4. Apart, in the water we will put the salt and mix until it dissolves. Then we will put the tablespoon of oil.
  5. We make a crown with the flour and in the center we pour the water with salt and oil to start mixing and kneading the base dough for pizza. You can do this process in a large bowl or directly on the work table, if you have enough space.
  6. After kneading for about 7 to 10 minutes, we will have smooth and homogeneous Italian pizza dough. We will let it rest for 30 minutes until it has doubled its volume.
  7. Then we will cut it in 2 with a knife and without tearing it with our hands, we degas it and leave it for 20 more minutes for a second leavening. To degas it, it will suffice to crush each piece with your fist a couple of times.
  8. After the second rest, you can now prepare your favorite homemade pizza; simply stretch the Pizza base dough with your fingers or with a rolling pin, place the filling that you like best and it’s ready to bake!

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