Pistachio Ice Cream recipe

Pistachio ice cream is one of the favorites in ice cream parlors around the world. However, as we always say in this article, nothing will ever beat a homemade, healthy and rich preparation. Preparing this pistachio ice cream recipe at home is very simple, whether you have a refrigerator or not. It may not be as green as the ones they sell, but the pistachio flavor will be noticeable. If you want to make it more colorful, you can add a bit of food coloring, but it’s not necessary.

Pistachio is a dried fruit known for being a rich source of nutrients, as well as having the quality that helps us control weight. This time, we teach you how to make pistachio ice cream and, in addition, we give you the steps you must follow to make vegan pistachio ice cream. Cool off with us with this delicious recipe!

Ingredients to make Pistachio Ice Cream:

  • 250 milliliters of whipping cream (1¼ cups)
  • 150 grams of condensed milk
  • 1 envelope of gelatin (6 grams)
  • 3 tablespoons of water
  • 70 grams of shelled raw pistachios
  • 20 grams of shelled roasted pistachios

How to make Pistachio Ice Cream:

  1. To start with the pistachio ice cream, place the cream, condensed milk and pistachios in a blender.
  2. Leave some on the outside to decorate the final presentation.
  3. Blend all the ingredients until you have a mixture with the consistency of cream.
  4. You can leave the pistachios very fine or with pieces, it depends on how you like it better.
  5. Put the gelatin in a bowl with the tablespoons of water for 5 minutes.
  6. When the time passes, put it in the microwave for 20 seconds so that it is liquid. Add it to the previous cream and blend again.
  7. Once everything is well integrated, put the mixture of your healthy ice cream in a container suitable for the freezer. Put it in the freezer and leave it there for an hour.
  8. Take it out, stir the pistachio ice cream mixture and put the container back in the freezer. Repeat this operation a couple more times
  9. . In this way, the homemade ice cream will be creamy and no crystals will form.
  10. When you are ready to serve, form balls of pistachio ice cream and place them in an ice cream glass. Chop the pistachios and decorate with them.

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