Pipian Enchiladas Recipe

Pipián is a Mexican dish made mainly with pumpkin seeds. We also point out that there are varieties of this dish, such as the green, white, and red pipian, among others. In these recipes not only the seed is used, but there are also recipes that add peanuts and sesame, but we point out that the most common is usually the red pipián that is prepared precisely with these last two ingredients. That is why we brings you a rich recipe for pipián enchiladas, a different way to enjoy this delicious dish that is usually served on festivities. Keep reading and discover another way to eat some delicious pipián enchiladas.

Ingredients to make Pipian Enchiladas:

• 8 guerilla chilies

• 4 tomatoes

• ½ cup of sesame

• 1 cup of natural peanut

• 1 piece of onion

• 5 cloves

• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon or a cinnamon stick

• 1 clove garlic

• Salt to taste

• Oil

• 12 pieces of corn tortillas

• 2 cups of shredded chicken

• Coriander to decorate

• Sesame to decorate

How to make Pipian Enchiladas:

Begin the pipián enchiladas recipe by roasting the chilies in a pan or Comal for a few seconds. You must turn them over to prevent them from burning, since if they do they would take on a bitter taste. In a pot with hot water add the tomatoes and the roasted chilies, let it boil for 5 minutes.

While the tomato and chilies are cooking, toast the peanuts and sesame seeds in a skillet over low heat. Stir constantly, since sesame seeds tend to burn very quickly. Then reserve.

Once the tomatoes, chilies, sesame and peanuts are ready, blend everything together with a piece of onion, a clove of garlic, cloves, cinnamon and a little of the water from cooking the chilies. Blend for 3 minutes to obtain a pipián sauce.

In a pot, heat a tablespoon of oil and pour the sauce that you blended, season with salt to taste and cook for 10 minutes over low heat. If you think the sauce is too thick, add a little chicken broth or water. Now with the pipian ready, it’s time to assemble the enchiladas. First, fry the corn tortillas in oil, fill with shredded chicken, close and bathe with the pipián.

Serve the pipián enchiladas. Garnish with fresh cilantro and some toasted sesame seeds. Ready to eat!

Pipián enchiladas and other ingredients

What did you think of this recipe? It is a very practical and quick option, although there are other recipes to prepare pipian, this is one of the simplest. In addition, if you want you can add green pips to give it an extra touch of flavor, you can also vary the filling by replacing the chicken with pork, it is true that it goes very well with the pipián. Or if you prefer you can fill with aged cheese like Cotija. It will be ten!

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