Pineapple stuffed with prawn’s recipe

A very tropical appetizer to accompany with some good soft drinks. The pineapple stuffed with prawns or shrimp cocktail with pineapple has two main protagonists, seafood and fruit, a combination that will surprise you. This starter is perfect for any time of the year so follow the steps and enjoy!

Ingredients to make Pineapple stuffed with prawns:

  • 1 unit of large pineapple
  • 1 bunch of Lettuce (preferably hydroponic)
  • 200 grams of prawns
  • 3 tablespoons of Pink Sauce
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 unit of Egg (optional)

How to make Pineapple Stuffed with Prawns:

The most beautiful thing about this dish is undoubtedly the presentation. So follow the steps carefully. First cut the pineapple horizontally and with the help of a knife remove all the pulp being careful not to damage the rind. Drain all the fruit so that it releases a little of the juice.

Separately, wash and chop the lettuce finely, as small as possible. Drain; take to a bowl and reserve.

On the other hand, cook the prawns in a traditional way with boiling water and peel them.  Then salt and pepper to taste and set aside a few for the final decoration of the dish, the rest cut finely.

Next, mix the prawns with the pineapple and the boiled egg, without the yolk and cut finely. We stir everything a little, with a lot of sweetness and love, and add the pink sauce. You can also just use mayonnaise or golf sauce.

Having the filling ready, all that remains is to place the mixture inside the pineapple rind.  First with a bed of lettuce, then we add the pineapple mixture with prawns and finish the plate by decorating with the whole prawns and another bit of lettuce.

Enjoy the pineapple stuffed with prawns and serve it as an appetizer at a special dinner or an afternoon drink.

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