Pineapple Shampoo Recipe

Like many of the desserts throughout the Peruvian territory, pineapple shampoo is not specific to a single region of the country. This dessert is typical in Lima, Lambayeque and Piura. One of the reasons why it is so popular is because of its versatility. The shampoo can be prepared from pineapple, apple or pear, the crucial thing is the corn because it gives it a soft and slightly foamy texture, just like a shampoo! This delicacy is usually eaten in the afternoon or on a cold night accompanied by a portion of picarones with honey or the typical Peruvian yuquitas.

Pineapple is a fruit native to Brazil and the main producers are China, the United States and Brazil. 89% of this fruit is made up of water and contains bromelain, an enzyme that facilitates digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties. In order to enjoy this rich pineapple shampoo, you need a little patience, but if you have it, you won’t regret it! To prepare it you need: pineapple, sour sop, sugar, cinnamon, cornmeal and mote. In this article we want to teach you how to prepare this delicious dessert from the Peruvian coast from your home, so follow these steps to discover how to make pineapple shampoo.

Ingredients to make Pineapple Shampoo:

  • ½ golden pineapple
  • ½ medium sour sop
  • 1 medium red apple
  • 1 quince
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 cloves
  • 120 grams of cornmeal (1 cup)
  • 30 grams of sugar
  • 120 grams of cooked mote corn

How to make Pineapple Shampoo:

  1. To start with the pineapple shampoo, cut the pineapple into medium squares, reserving the core and rind.
  2. With the help of a peeler, remove the skin from the apple. Then, cut it into medium squares and repeat this same process with the quince.
  3.  Do not forget to remove the seeds and center of the fruits.
  4. In the case of sour sop, peel and remove the seeds so that your pineapple shampoo is perfect.
  5. In a medium saucepan, add 1.5 liters of water, the cloves, the cinnamon and the pineapple peel to give your shampoo a better flavor and aroma.
  6. Once it starts to boil, wait 15 minutes.
  7. After 15 minutes, with the help of a slotted spoon, remove the peel, cinnamon and cloves.
  8. Add the pineapple and quince squaresand let them cook for 10 minutes.
  9. Add the sugar and apple. Cook these ingredients for only 5 minutes. Throughout this process it is important that the fire is between low and medium.
  10. Add the cornmeal previously diluted with a stream of cold water. Move the preparation with a spoon to avoid the formation of lumps.
  11. Finally, add the nickname and the sour sop. Let the pineapple shampoo with nickname cook 5-7 minutes.
  12. Serve the hot pineapple shampoo to enjoy it in its best version.

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