Pineapple jam recipe

Pineapple is a versatile fruit used in all kinds of culinary recipes, from the most gourmet to the simplest. Pineapple provides a sweet and intense touch to an infinity of foods, whether they are sweet or savory. For all its possibilities, in this article we bring you this recipe for pineapple jam: it is easy, homemade and very delicious.

In addition, you can use it to prepare many other recipes: from spreading some simple toasts, accompanying a pork chop, to filling desserts and biscuits. Let’s not waste any more time, we are going to teach you how to make pineapple jam so that everyone will tip their hats in front of your preparations.

Ingredients to make Pineapple Jam:

  • 1 large pineapple
  • 2 sheets of neutral gelatin (agar-agar if you are vegan)
  • 1 tablespoon of raw honey (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon stevia
  • 1 small glass of water
  • 1 teaspoon ginger (optional)
  • 1 splash of lemon juice

How to make pineapple jam:

  1. Cut the pineapple and remove the skin and impurities. Ideally, there should be no hard nodule left on the skin.
  2. Twist it by turning its green bouquet and you will see that it will come out super easy.
  3. Trick: Half a pineapple will serve you to prepare about two medium jars of jam.
  4. Cut the pineapple into very small cubes so that it softens much easier and with less cooking time.
  5. Pour water into a saucepan and add the pineapple cubes.
  6. When 2 minutes have passed, add the squeeze of lemon to prevent the pineapple jam from oxidizing and turning brown.
  7. Let cook over medium heat for at least 15 minutes and then add the sweetener of your choice(in this case stevia).
  8. Stir and let cook covered for another 15 minutes, stirring every 5. Make sure that the jam does not run out of juice.
  9. Uncover, add honey and stir. Cover again and let it boil for 5 minutes.
  10.  Meanwhile, submerge the gelatin sheets in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes.
  11. Remove the jam from the heat and crush the pineapple so that it takes the consistency of the jam. If you prefer, you can choose not to crush it completely so that you can find yourself with crunchy pineapple bits.
  12. Drain the neutral gelatin well and put it in the saucepan with the already crushed jam.
  13. Put it to cook for 5 more minutes without stopping stirring so that it thickens. Keep in mind that jams thicken about 30% more when cooled, so don’t let it dry out that much.
  14. You can add a small spoonful of ginger powder.
  15. This step is not mandatory, but it will give your jam a very special flavor, as well as giving it a healthier touch.
  16.  Stir well and you will have your delicious pineapple jam ready.

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