Peruvian-style tuna ceviche recipe

Ingredients to make Peruvian tuna ceviche:

  • 2 kilos of fish (pretty)
  • 1 Kl of Lemons
  • Five spicy hajies
  • A small hot pepper
  • Five cloves of garlic
  • A small piece of chion
  • Parsley to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • 2 kilos. sweet potato, potato or similar
  • Three medium onions
  • Yuyo to taste (from the sea)
  • 10 ten corn
  • A medium lettuce
  • 1 km of close court

How to make Peruvian tuna ceviche:

First, wash the fish already chopped into pieces several times (3) in salted water, so that it does not fall apart, then put it in the refrigerator in salted water for half an hour, this will give it greater consistency.

Second: Put to cook, each one in a different saucepan; sweet potato, potato, corn.

Third: Chop the onion into very fine threads, set aside for the moment of serving it, along with the lettuce and the weed, all washed.

Fourth: Toast the closed court in a separate saucepan and leave it ready to serve.

Fifth: squeeze the lemons in a bowl.

Preparation of the Peruvian ceviche: Drain the fish after having taken it out of the refrigerator, put it in a bowl and mix it with the lemon juice, add salt to taste, hot pepper, pepper, and garlic and ground chion and stir everything. Let it rest for about 20 minutes and serve on the lettuce, garnishing with the onion, yuyo, sweet potato, corn and field.

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