Peruvian Minestrone Recipe

When the temperature drops and the cold arrives, you want to eat something hot, such as a Peruvian minced meat. This soup is an adaptation of the well-known “minestrone” dish. It all began with the arrival of Italian emigrants to the capital in 1845 and 1866 with Italian cuisine, which later merged with Peruvian cuisine, giving life to emblematic dishes such as the Peruvian menestron. This Peruvian soup has the sauce of Peruvian green noodles, beef and vegetables. It is recommended to use brisket tip to give it more flavor, but it can be done with another type of cut. Among the vegetables that are recommended are beans, corn, carrots, beans and celery.

Ingredients to make Peruvian Menestron:

  • 1 kilogram of brisket tip
  • 3 liters of water or beef stock
  • ½ cup of peeled peas
  • 1 handful of fresh basil
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 1 medium corn
  • ½ cup of peeled broad beans
  • 1 cup of chopped carrots
  • 200 grams of pumpkin
  • 2 fresh celery sticks
  • 250 grams of fideo canuto
  • 150 grams of fresh cheese
  • ½ pore
  • 1 splash of evaporated milk
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 medium turnip
  • ½ kilogram of peeled yucca

How to make Peruvian Minestrone:

  • To start with the Peruvian menestrón recipe, first place the meat in a pot with 3 liters of water over medium heat for 1 hour. We point out that it is important to skim the Peruvian beef broth to remove impurities.
  • While the broth is cooking, cut the onion into medium squares to start the Peruvian pesto.
  • Strip the spinach and basil. Let soak for a few minutes to remove dirt.
  • In a skillet over high heat, sauté the onion and a clove of peeled garlic.
  • When the onion and garlic are golden, add the spinach and basil leaves. Let cook until reduced in size.
  • Take the preparation to the blender and add a splash of evaporated milk. Also add a pinch of salt and reserve in a container.
  • Now we are going to prepare the vegetables! First cut the corn into thick slices.
  • Wash the celery branches well and cut the green leaves, keep in mind that you should only use the lower part. Cut into thick half-moons.
  • Also cut the beans in half and make cuts the same size as the celery.
  • Wash the turnip with plenty of water and with a peeler remove the skin. Also cut into thick sheets in the shape of a half moon.
  • Peel and cut the carrot into small squares. You must take into account that at the moment of cutting the corn into slices, sometimes some grains come off, you can add them to the Peruvian meat soup.
  • Peel the beans and cut them in half.
  • Remove the green part of the pumpkin and cut the yellow part into medium rectangles.
  • Cut the fresh cheese into medium squares and reserve.
  • After the cooking time of the meat, add all the vegetables except the corn and yucca. Let cook approximately 20 minutes.
  • Add the yucca, corn and Peruvian pesto. Move well with the help of a spoon.
  • Rectify the salt, add the noodles and cook over low heat.
  • Finally, add the fresh cheese cut into pieces.
  • Serve the Peruvian menestrón with Parmesan cheese. Ready to eat!

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