Perfect Boiled Eggs – Cooking Times and Tips

Have you ever wondered how to tell if an egg is cooked? You may think that boiling eggs is the easiest thing in the world and it is certainly an easy thing, but if you want to get a perfect hard-boiled egg you have to pay attention to certain details that will help you avoid the most classic problems. When making hard-boiled eggs.

Keep reading and forget about boiled eggs with greenish yolks, stop wondering how to cook eggs to peel them well or why boiled eggs don’t peel well. Next we will solve all these questions and we will teach you the best tricks to cook eggs easily and quickly.

Before cooking boiled eggs

To make perfect boiled eggs you must take into account some aspects before you start cooking. Surely you have never paid attention to the temperature of the eggs or the amount of water, but knowing these details we assure you that you will succeed the next time you make hard-boiled eggs.


  • Egg temperature: Before cooking boiled eggs, take them out of the fridge and keep them in a cool place so that, when cooking them, they are at room temperature. This will prevent the shell from cracking.
  • Amount of water: Once you have chosen the saucepan or pot where you are going to prepare the hard-boiled eggs, it is important that you put enough water to cover all the eggs. The most common mistake is not adding enough water and having to add more during cooking, which can lead to undercooked yolks.
  • Salt: You can add a pinch of salt or a splash of vinegar to the cooking water of the eggs to make peeling them much easier.
  • Boiling water: Contrary to what many people think, eggs must be cooked from boiling water to be perfect. If you put the eggs in cold water they will also be done, but you will surely have problems with the yolk, which will be lopsided. For the yolk to be centered, you must incorporate the eggs into the pot with the boiling water.

Cooking times to make boiled eggs

Like we said, if you don’t care where the yolk is, you can cook hard-boiled eggs from hot or cold water. In any case, the ideal cooking time to make a perfectly boiled egg is counted from when the water begins to boil and this should be 10-12 minutes maximum, depending on the number of eggs that are being made.

When exceeding the recommended time, what happens is that the yolk is overcooked and from there it sometimes takes on that shade of color between gray and green.

Another important trick, and that you have to do with the cooking of boiled eggs, is precisely the fact of stopping the cooking. Once the 10 minutes have passed, it is not enough to turn off the flame, since to stop the cooking of the boiled eggs they must be put in cold water.

By doing this, you will not only achieve the perfect cooking point, but you will also help the shell not stick to the egg and it will be much easier to peel them. To do this, have a bowl of cold water and ice ready where you can put the ready eggs, until they cool.

Benefits of boiled eggs

If you are wondering about the benefits of eating boiled eggs, here is a list so that you can finally convince yourself to include this food in your diet:

  • Lose weight: Boiled eggs provide a large amount of high-quality protein, which helps control appetite. In addition, this same protein is easily absorbed, which makes boiled eggs a perfect food for muscle recovery after exercise.
  • Take care of your eyes: Including hard-boiled eggs in our diet helps prevent macular degeneration, thanks to nutrients such as lutein and zeaxanthin. In addition, they also help prevent the risk of cataracts.
  • Hair and nails: Containing a high percentage of sulfur, eggs are a wonderful source of Vitamin D, which together with other vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, act for the benefit of healthy growth of both hair and nails.
  • Brain and Connections: Choline is a nutrient found in boiled eggs that helps regulate the nervous system, brain, and cardiovascular health. In addition, it helps maintain the cells responsible for transmitting orders from the brain to the rest of the body.

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