Peppers stuffed with cod brandade recipe

There are thousands of recipes for stuffed peppers and although one of the most classic is tuna stuffed peppers, cod is also an exceptional ingredient to make this simple and practical dish. Learn step by step how to make piquillo peppers stuffed with cod brandade , a fish preparation that you will love.

Ingredients to make Peppers stuffed with cod brandade:

  • 8 units of piquillo peppers
  • 5 garlic cubes
  • 100 grams of salted cod
  • 1 small glass of Milk
  • 1 cup of flour (140 grams)
  • 1 unit of Egg
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of Salt and Pepper

How to make Cod Brandade Stuffed Peppers:

  1. Preparing this version of stuffed peppers is very easy.
  2.  To start, peel the garlic and fry it in oil until lightly browned. Then remove, let them cool, reserving separately.
  3. Separately, cook the cod in a pot with enough water until it boils.
  4. Once it has reached a boil, remove from the heat and let the fish cool without removing it from the pot.
  5. Once cold, drain, remove the skin and bones, and shred the cod.
  6. Crush the shredded cod along with the oil where the garlic was fried, then add the warm milk to the blender glass along with a little salt and pepper.
  7. If you don’t have a blender, you can use any food processor or chop everything you have on hand. The result should be fluffy dough.
  8. Next, place the cod brandade in a pastry bag and fill the peppers with this dough. Then pass each stuffed pepper through flour and beaten egg and fry in hot oil.
  9. Remove excess oil with absorbent paper and serve the peppers stuffed with cod brandade with a little white rice and if you want you can decorate with dry oregano and a little homemade tomato sauce.

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