Pepperoni Pizza Recipe

Pizza, originally from Naples, is one of the most popular foods in the world. Although it is usually bought already prepared, there is nothing better than kneading your own pizza dough and taking a bite of a completely homemade pizza. For this reason, we want to bring you a classic pizza that you can consult whenever you want.

We present you a very simple step-by-step to make this pepperoni pizza recipe in no time. You can add other ingredients that you like, so we have made it basic and delicious so that you can be inspired and create a perfect pizza. Read on and find out how to make easy pepperoni pizza!

Ingredients to make Pepperoni Pizza:

  1. 300 grams of strength flour
  2. 1 glass of milk, half will be to dilute it with yeast
  3. 15 grams of fresh baker’s yeast
  4. 2 pinches of salt
  5. for the filling
  6. 1 Italian green pepper
  7. 1 sweet onion
  8. 300 grams of pepperoni
  9. 2 pinches of oregano and pepper
  10. 1 glass of crushed tomato
  11. 1 piece of grated cheddar cheese

How to make Pepperoni Pizza:

  • In order for our pizza to be at its point, with tender and crunchy dough at the same time, you must make a dough preparation called polish. It will be very simple and does not require any special product, just the ingredients already listed.
  • Put half the glass of warm milk in a bowl or a mixer. Add the crumbled yeast and 2 tablespoons of the flour. Stir until dissolved and leave to rest for 15 minutes.
  • You will see that the pizza dough has fermented and has made bubbles; this polish dough will boost your pizza dough so that it comes out tender and not hard. On the other hand, mix the rest of the flour with the warm milk; add the polish and the salt.
  • Now it’s time to knead your pizza, you can knead it in a kneading machine or by hand. You must do it for 5 minutes and let it rest in a container with a warm temperature and well covered. Let the dough rest for an hour and return for the second kneading. In this, form a ball and let it rest for half an hour or until it doubles its size. It will give you to make two individual pepperoni pizzas or one family.
  • Tip: If you only use half of the dough, you can make a ball with the rest and wrap it in plastic wrap to freeze.
  • Let’s go with the ingredients to fill the pepperoni pizza base. Cut the onion into feathers and cut slices of Italian pepper, thank the cheese to taste. Booking.
  • Place baking paper on a table and shape the homemade pizza. Pour the tomato as the first ingredient and, with a spoon, spread it throughout the entire dough.
  • Add the spices by sprinkling over the tomato sauce. Add a little cheese, but not all, reserve the rest to gratin the pizza.
  • Trick: The placement of these ingredients is important, that is, prevent the spices from being on top of the pizza because they can burn and leave a taste that is not too bitter.
  • Spread out the pepperoni, distribute the pepper and add the grated cheese again. Finally, add the onion strips on top of the pizza. You can add or remove components as you like. In this case, we wanted to prepare a simple pizza with pepperoni and highly recommended flavors.
  • Take to the oven and place the tray in the lower part of the oven, at 180ºC for approximately 20 minutes. As we always warn, you must take into account that each oven is different and you must check it so that the pizza does not burn.

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