Pepper Salad Recipe with Thermo mix

The Thermo mix is ​​used for much more than making pâtés and the proof of it is this easy recipe for pepper salad with Thermo mix. Follow the step by step and learn how to prepare delicious roasted peppers with vinaigrette that you can use as an appetizer or to use in a warm salad of roasted peppers.

Ingredients to make Pepper Salad with Thermo mix:

  • 5 units of Peppers (of those for roasting)
  • Vinaigrette
  • 200 cubic centimeters of olive oil
  • 50 cubic centimeters of vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon cumin powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • for the glass
  • 500 cubic centimeters of water
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make pepper salad with Thermo mix:

Making this pepper salad is very easy, the first thing you have to do is put the water together with the salt in the Thermo mix glass and program for 5 minutes at speed 1 with temperature in Aroma mode.

Meanwhile, clean the peppers well. Discard the veins, nerves and seeds. Cut the peppers lengthwise, into two or three pieces each, and place them in the Aroma container.

Trick: For this recipe with Thermo mix you can use any type of peppers (red, green or yellow) as long as they are of the roasting type.

When the 5 minutes of the first programming have passed, place the Aroma container on top of the lid and program the container on top of the lid again, and program for 12 minutes with the same Aroma temperature but with speed 2.

When the machine finishes processing, check that the peppers are al dente and cut them into thin strips. Place everything in a salad bowl and reserve.

To make the vinaigrette for this warm salad with Thermo mix, place all the ingredients on the list in the glass and program at speed 6 until everything has been integrated.

Finally, serve the peppers and bathe with the vinaigrette. The pepper salad with Thermo mix is ​​even better from one day to the next, so keep it in a jar and let it macerate so that the peppers fully absorb the flavor of the vinaigrette.

Tip: And if you want a more complete salad, add a little black olives and parsley when serving the dish.

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