Peach tart in syrup recipe

One of the best-known dishes in the world is the one made with a tartlet, that is, a base of cooked dough that is shaped like a plate or container. It can be used in savory or sweet preparations, although it is usually more popular in desserts. The tartlet is made with a paste that is, despite being firm, somewhat fragile, which is why many people do not feel comfortable with it.

In this article we present you an option for beginners because the butter content is a little less. Therefore, it is important that you pay attention to each step, because otherwise you will end up with a rather hard tartlet. In addition to that, we teach you how to make a delicious filling of peaches in syrup, ideal to take advantage of this seasonal fruit. The flavor is quite intense and you will not be disappointed. Do you dare to try it? Well, keep reading and discover how to make peach cobbler in syrup!

Ingredients to make peach tart in syrup:

  • For the base:
  • 160 grams of all-purpose flour
  • 35 grams of icing sugar
  • 65 grams of butter or margarine
  • 2 tablespoons of ice water
  • 1 pinch of vanilla essence
  • For the peach filling:
  • 110 grams of sugar
  • 60 grams of cornstarch
  • 250 milliliters of water
  • 2 yolks
  • 1 tablespoon refrigerated butter or margarine
  • ¾ cup peach puree
  • 2 peaches in syrup for the surface
  • For the meringue:
  • 2 egg whites
  • 120 grams of sugar
  • ¼ dessert spoon lemon juice

How to make peach cobbler in syrup:

  1. The base of the cake must be cold when you assemble it, therefore, you must do it several hours in advance.
  2. With that said, start by mixing the flour and icing sugar.
  3. Tip: You can also make peach cobbler and cookies using 150 grams of Maria type cookies and 50 g of butter. In this case, skip the ingredients and steps of the dough and go directly to step 10.
  4. Add the buttercut into pieces. If you prefer to make peach cobbler even easier, you can always buy short crust pastry already made.
  5. Join with a palette or spatula as if cutting the flour until you get a mixture with a sandy texture. You can also do this step with your fingertips.
  6. Add two tablespoons of ice water and try to incorporate it well. If you see that you need the third tablespoon of water, add it.
  7. You will get a thick-textured paste, as shown in the image.
  8.  You can also make puff pastry peach cobbler, making your own dough or buying it ready-made. For the first option, feel free to consult the Puff Pastry Dough Recipe.
  9. Join it with your hands until compact.
  10. She wraps it in plastic wrap and refrigerates for at least an hour. You may still see bits of butter, that’s how it should look.
  11. After that time, take it out, let it rest for a few minutes and spread it out on the table.
  12. She do it carefully and make sure it doesn’t break. The dough must be worked more or less quickly so that it does not get hot.
  13. Lift it up carefully with the help of the rolling pin and place it in the tart pan. Make sure it is very well distributed in the mold and cut the edges.
  14. Prick the bottom with a fork.
  15. Cover it with aluminum foil and take it to the freezer. Leave it there for at least an hour. Keep in mind that the more frozen it is, the less it will shrink during cooking.
  16. After that time, preheat the oven to 180 °C. Cover the bottom of aluminum foil with beans or rice.
  17. The idea is that the dough does not inflate in the oven. Bake the base for about 10 minutes.
  18. Then, remove the foil and bake 10 more minutes or until lightly browned. When it’s ready, reserve it and let it cool.
  19. If you prefer to make the peach cobbler in syrup without an oven, crush the cookies, melt the butter and integrate both ingredients.
  20. Then, cover the base and walls of the mold with this mass and let it cool completely.
  21. The time has come to prepare the peach filling for this delicious tart. To do this, in a pot place the sugar and cornstarch.
  22. Add the water and stir very well. Heat the mixture on the fire until the cornstarch turns transparent.
  23. While the previous mixture cools a bit, beat the egg yolks. Now, add a little of the cornstarch mixture over the yolks and beat quickly. Repeat this process three times.
  24. Pour the egg yolks into the cornstarch and sugar mixture and incorporate them very well to obtain a homogeneous cream.
  25. Add the butter. The heat of the mixture will help you integrate it, so it is not necessary to melt it.
  26. Little by little, you see the peach cobbler filling begin to take shape.
  27. Finally, pour the peach puree that you can make by blending peaches in syrup with a small amount of that syrup. In this way, you will have a delicious canned peach cobbler.
  28. You can buy the peach in cans or make your own peach syrup.
  29. Cut the reserved peaches into slices and cover the entire surface with them.
  30. To finish off the garnish for this delicious peach cobbler in syrup, beat the two remaining egg whites with half a cup of sugar.
  31. Heat the mixture in a water bath to dissolve the sugar.
  32. Try not to exceed 60 °C. If you don’t have a thermometer, you can calculate enough heat to feel very hot, but without burning yourself.
  33. The important thing is to keep it from getting so hot that the whites coagulate. This is the Italian meringue recipe.
  34. When the sugar is dissolved, beat on minimum speed and increase to maximum speed as the whites are assembled.
  35. Add vanilla and lemon juice.
  36. You can also make the meringue following this other recipe.
  37. Transfer the meringue to a sleeve and decorate the edges of the peach cobbler.
  38. The ideal is to consume this fresh dessert. You can keep it in the fridge for a day or two. Of course, cover it well to prevent it from absorbing odors from the refrigerator.
  39.  And your cold peach cobbler recipe isready!
  40.  It is true that this peach tart in syrup is somewhat laborious because it has many steps, but you can always shorten the process by buying the ready-made dough or making peach tart and sobaos or cookies by covering the base with these ingredients.


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