Patacon Baskets Recipe

The patacón baskets are made in a very simple and practical way. These appetizers are ideal to enjoy as an entry to a meeting or meal. This time we will fill the green baskets with shrimp and guacamole, an absolutely delicious combination. Remember that plantain is one of the most consumed foods in Colombia and is used daily in different preparations.

If you don’t know how to make baskets of pat cones with shrimp, don’t miss this easy and tasty recipe that we put at your disposal and follow the instructions and steps that we show you.

Ingredients to make Patacon Baskets:

  • 3 green bananas
  • 3 red tomatoes
  • 200 grams of long onion
  • 350 grams of shrimp
  • 2 avocado
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley

How to make Patacon Baskets:

  1. Our first step to make this Colombian recipe is to prepare the ingredients for the patacón with shrimp baskets.
  2. Peel the green plantain making a few cuts with the help of the knife.
  3. Ideally, you should peel off the peel a bit with the tip of the knife, this way it will be much easier to peel them.
  4. Cut the plantain into large logs, as if you were going to make Venezuelan pat cones or to stones.
  5. Bring a frying pan over medium heat and add sunflower oil to fry, once it is hot add the logs in groups of 3.
  6. Fry the plantains until golden brown
  7. Once the logs are golden, without being fully cooked, remove them from the oil and crush them with a lemon squeezer.
  8. This will give them the basket shape we need to make this shrimp- filled pat cones recipe.
  9. Tip: If you have a pataconera you can more easily shape the banana baskets stuffed with shrimp
  10. Besides, take a pan to the fire and melt a tablespoon of butter. She adds the shrimp with salt and pepper to taste and lets it cook.
  11. Trick: Do not forget that they should not be overcooked since shellfish and fish tend to become chewy if they are cooked for a long time
  12. When you see that the shrimp for the pat cones baskets are ready, add the white wine to the pan and let the alcohol evaporate, turn off the heat and reserve.
  13. Take the patacón baskets back to the pan where we previously fried the plantain trunks and finish cooking until they are toasted.
  14. To prepare the guacamole, cut the onion and tomato very thin. Then take them to a bowl.
  15. Add the avocado and mix very well until the ingredients are integrated. Add salt, pepper and if you want a little spiciness to taste.
  16. Once you turn off the heat of the shrimp add finely chopped fresh parsley.
  17. With both preparations ready, what remains is to assemble our stuffed patacón baskets.
  18. Serve by adding a little guacamole to the bottom and on top of the sautéed shrimp, you can decorate the dish with a little fresh parsley on top

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