Pasticho Bologna Recipe

A very rich dish that perfectly combines minced meat in sauce with lasagna or lasagna pasta. Below we will explain how to make this rich recipe for pastiche Bologna step by step, and in less than 1 hour!

Ingredients to make Pasticho Bologna:

  1. 1/2 kilo first lean fine ground beef
  2. 1 can of peeled tomatoes (1 kg)
  3. 1 small onion
  4. 1 small can of peas
  5. 3 garlic cloves
  6. 500 g of mozzarella cheese
  7. 200g Grana Pagano Italian Parmesan
  8. 6 small black olives in brine
  9. 1 can of salted anchovies
  10. 6 tablespoons corn vegetable oil
  11. 3 packages of pasta sheets for lasagna or pastiche
  12. 100g sliced ​​cooked ham

How to make Pasticho Bologna:

  • Place and lightly fry with the 4 tablespoons of oil 1/2 onion, 6 olives, the chopped anchovy strips, 2 small chopped garlic cloves and 1/4 of the can of peas.
  • Add the peeled tomatoes and with a fork crush the peeled tomatoes and cook over low heat for 45-60 minutes. Little by little, from time to time, stir the pastiche Bologna sauce. At the end, add salt according to taste and a teaspoon of sugar to correct the acidity.
  • Apart, we will fry the ground meat with the remaining 1/2 small onion cut together with the remaining garlic. Add a little salt and when it is almost cooked, add it to the sauce that was almost ready and cook everything over low heat for 10 more minutes.
  • Cook the pasta for lasagna or pastiche in boiling water with salt and a little oil until softened, and then transfer the sheets to a cauldron or bowl with cold water and set aside.
  • For the final presentation of the Bologna pastiche, place a generous layer of the sauce with meat in a large rectangular aluminum mold at the bottom, then a layer of pasta sheets, then another layer of sauce… in addition to placing a little peas, ham, mozzarella, a sprinkled handful of Parmesan, and then repeat with a new layer of pasta, with the same sauce as the previous one and so on until the last one is finished with only sauce and Parmesan cheese, and bake for 30- 45 minutes or until the cheese on top is melted.
  • Present the freshly baked pastiche Bologna with a little chopped parsley on top.

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