Pasta with pistachio sauce recipe

Adding a handful of pistachios to this pasta dish will allow us to enjoy a very complete meal. So, if you are tired of always cooking the same sauces to season your recipes, dare to innovate by including foods like nuts! In the same way that it is possible to make almond or peanut sauce, we can prepare pistachio sauce and be satisfied with the result.

Ingredients to make Pasta with pistachio sauce:

  • 200 grams of macaroni
  • 100 grams of peeled pistachios
  • 200 milliliters of Cream 18% MG
  • 1 splash of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 pinch of Nutmeg
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Pasta with pistachio sauce:

  • Bring the pasta to a boil following the instructions on the package. Although I have used macaroni with pistachio sauce for the recipe, the truth is that you can use the type of pasta that you like best. When it is, we drain it and reserve it.
  • Separately, we put a saucepan with water to heat and, when it boils, we cook the pistachios for a minute. After this time, we quickly put them under cold water, peel them well and dry them with absorbent paper or a clean kitchen cloth.
  • Once dry, we grind them in a mortar or, if available, in a food grinder so that the recipe for pasta with pistachio sauce is perfect. Once this is done, we take a saucepan and heat a jet of olive oil.
  • When the oil is hot, we sauté the chopped pistachios until we see that they begin to take on a toasted color. At this point, we reserve a small part to decorate the plate at the end and add the cream to the saucepan to continue preparing the sauce.
  • Tip: In some countries, the cream is known as milk cream.
  • Once the first boil has been reached, add grated nutmeg to taste, mix well to integrate the ingredients and beat the sauce. When it is well crushed, we put it back on the fire, add salt if necessary and let it cook over low heat.
  • We serve the macaroni with the sauce on top and pieces of pistachio to decorate. Ready! The pasta with pistachio sauce recipe is perfect to surprise with a different, delicious and aromatic dish.

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