Pasta with Caruso sauce recipe

If you want to prepare a delicious recipe for pasta with Caruso sauce, look no further! Because we have the ideal recipe for you. These are various fresh stuffed pastas, which in our case are cappelettis and panzerottis, with different fillings of cheeses, meats or vegetables soaked in a traditional Caruso sauce. Doesn’t that sound like a good combination? Well, try this pasta with Caruso sauce and be surprised.

Ingredients to make Pasta with Caruso sauce:

  • 800 grams of Fresh Varied Stuffed Pasta
  • For the Caruso willow:
  • 100 grams of Mushrooms
  • 120 milliliters of liquid cream
  • 40 grams of Butter
  • 1 tablespoon of flour
  • 120 milliliters of Milk (½ cup)
  • 1 cube of concentrated meat broth
  • 100 grams of cooked ham
  • 50 grams of Parmesan cheese

How to make Pasta with Caruso Sauce:

The first thing we have to do to prepare this pasta with Caruso sauce is to wash and cut the mushrooms into slices, cut the cooked ham into strips and grate the Parmesan cheese.

  • Next, we put the butter in a pan and heat it until it melts.
  • Then we added the mushrooms and cooked them over medium heat for a few minutes. Be careful because they take little time to make
  • Once the mushrooms are soft, add the tablespoon of flour and stir with a wooden spoon so that it does not stick to the pan.
  • After 5 minutes, we dissolve the concentrated meat broth tablet in the milk with our fingers and add it to the sauce.
  • Then add the cream to the pan and stir everything well. When the Caruso pasta sauce begins to thicken, add the sliced ​​cooked ham and grated Parmesan cheese.
  • While we wait for the cheese to melt and all the ingredients of the Caruso sauce to be well integrated, we cook the fresh mixed stuffed pasta for about 3-4 minutes in a pot with plenty of boiling water.
  • Tip: If you use dry stuffed pasta, you will have to cook it for a longer time to get it done (follow the instructions on the package).
  • Once the pasta is cooked, drain it well, add it to the pan and sauté it for a moment so that it soaks up the sauce. And ready! Now we can enjoy this pasta with freshly made Caruso sauce.

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