Pasta salad with pink sauce and lettuce recipe

A good pasta salad is always an excellent option when we want to beat the heat, or enjoy a complete, simple and quick dish. On this occasion we suggest adding lettuce, tuna, cherry tomatoes, egg, cheese and olives, and complementing the dish with pink sauce. How about? If you like the idea, stay and learn how to make a pasta salad with pink sauce and lettuce.

Ingredients to make Pasta Salad with Pink Sauce and Lettuce:

  • 1 handful of assorted lettuce mix
  • 1 glass of pasta (for one person)
  • 5 cherry tomatoes
  • olives to taste
  • 1 can of prickly pear
  • cheese to taste
  • 1 egg
  • 1 pinch of oregano

For the pink willow:

  • 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • 3 tablespoons tomato ketchup sauce
  • 1 tablespoon orange juice (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (optional)

How to make Pasta Salad with Pink Sauce and Lettuce:

First, we boil the paste with a splash of oil. We have chosen colored ribbons, but the pasta salad with pink sauce and lettuce could be prepared with any type, even with macaroni.  When it is al dente, drain it and pass it through cold water.

Separately, we cook the egg. We have prepared pasta and tuna salad with pink sauce for one person in the case of a single dish or for two if it is to be served as a side dish. In this way, for more diners, the quantities must be increased.

We put the mixed lettuce in the salad bowl or plate and mix with the drained and cold pasta. We have chosen this option, but you can also use a single type of lettuce. Drain the tuna and add it to the pasta and lettuce salad.

Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add them. We do the same with the olives. For this pasta salad with pink sauce and lettuce we can use green or black olives, pitted or pitted.

We cut the cheese to taste and distribute it over the pasta, tuna and lettuce salad. We have opted for cured cheese, but you can use fresh cheese, Roquefort cheese…, depending on your tastes!

When the egg is cooked and cold, remove the shell, cut it and distribute it over the salad.  Likewise, we add oregano to taste. This ingredient is optional, but it adds a lot of flavor to the pasta salad with pink sauce and lettuce.

Now, we prepare the pink sauce by mixing all the ingredients. Juices are not mandatory, but they give a touch of exceptional flavor.

Add the sauce and serve. If there is left over, we can always save it for another occasion.  This recipe for pasta salad with pink sauce and lettuce is easy, delicious and lends itself to many modifications, since we can add pineapple, corn and even chicken. It is ideal to eat as a single dish, but also to accompany some lemon chicken breasts, some veal Milanese or whatever we like the most.

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