Pasta Salad with Mayonnaise and Pineapple Recipe

A quick and easy pasta salad that you can make with the ingredients that you usually have, or that are at least very easy to get. This time we will make a pasta salad with mayonnaise and pineapple, to which we have also decided to, put a little sweet ham that combines perfectly with the rest of the ingredients.

Pasta salads are fantastic recipes to use leftover cooked pasta or to take to a family picnic or beach day. If you follow my recipes you will see that I have already prepared a few but like this one, which also has a bit of lettuce, none.

Read on and discover a practical, economical and delicious dish, the mixture of pineapple with ham, corn and mayonnaise is priceless, it’s great!

Ingredients to make Pineapple Mayonnaise Pasta Salad:

  • 120 grams of short pasta
  • ½ plain pineapple
  • 60 grams of Ham
  • 1 can of sweet corn
  • 2 tablespoons of Mayonnaise
  • 1 pinch of salt and pepper
  • Lettuce

How to make Pineapple Mayonnaise Pasta Salad:

Once we have all the ingredients clean and measured on the work table, we will start by cooking the pasta in a traditional way, until it is al dente. Drain and reserve.

Remember that the pasta is cooked in boiling water with a pinch of salt; you can check the manufacturer’s instructions to know the recommended cooking time.

Separately, peel the pineapple and cut it into small squares. I have preferred to use natural pineapple to make this pasta salad, but if you want you can also use canned pineapple, which is already cut.

Now mix the pineapple with the corn, the cooked ham and the mayonnaise in a bowl. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper and stir well to ensure that the base of our pasta salad is perfectly mixed. Cooked ham should also be chopped into small squares or thin strips.

Mix all this with the paste and stir everything again very well, distributing the ingredients evenly.

For this pasta salad with mayonnaise and pineapple, you can use any type of pasta, although short pasta always works best. Also, do not forget that this is a cold dish, so before doing this step, check that the pasta is at room temperature or cold.

To finish our dish, chop the lettuce and place a green base on each plate. Lettuce will be used more for decoration, so you can leave the leaves whole or chop them.

Then serve the pasta salad with mayonnaise and pineapple on the lettuce base and add some croutons to give it a crunchy touch, if you fancy. This fresh salad is ideal for the summer season or for a beach meal or picnic on the weekend.

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