Pasta salad recipe for diet

I propose a delicious light pasta salad to lose weight, ideal, also, for good weather. It is light, fresh and summery, since it contains fruit, but at the same time forceful and nutritious, with carbohydrates and proteins in the form of chicken. It is perfect for a light meal, for example for the office Tupperware.

Ingredients to make Diet Pasta Salad:

  • 70 grams of short pasta
  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 1 piece of natural pineapple
  • 1 piece of watermelon
  • ½ Lemon
  • ½ can of sweet corn
  • 1 tablespoon of Capers
  • 1 splash of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of coriander

How to make Diet Pasta Salad:

We prepare the ingredients for this light pasta salad, based on chicken, pineapple and watermelon. Remember that in a diet salad there are a series of totally prohibited ingredients: cheese, nuts, olives and avocado are the most fattening; therefore we will avoid them, as well as balsamic vinegar of Modena and soy sauce, which contain sugars.

First, we cook the filleted chicken breasts on the grill, with very little oil. At the same time, we put the pasta to cook in a pot with plenty of boiling water and salt. When we have the chicken ready, with the help of scissors we will cut it into strips.

While the pasta is cooking, we will chop the pineapple and the watermelon, which we have previously peeled thoroughly. We will add the fruit to the bowl of the salad, and then we will also pour the pasta, after passing it through the cold water jet and draining it well.

Now add the sweet corn and the capers, and dress the pasta salad to lose weight with the juice of half a lemon and a little oil, as well as salt and chopped coriander.

Serve the cold diet pasta salad and enjoy the combination of flavors. As a starter, you can serve a pineapple Carpaccio with ham (but be careful with the dressing if you want to lose weight). Bon Appetite!

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