Pasta recipe with chicken, vegetables and soy

We love easy, nutritious and complete recipes! And we like them even more when the caloric intake is not very high and allows us to include them in diets to maintain the ideal weight. Such is the case of the pasta dish with chicken, vegetables and soy that we share below, with a great contribution of vitamins, minerals and proteins that are so important for the proper functioning of the body and the development of children.

First we have prepared a stir-fry with the vegetables incorporating a small amount of oil, in such a way that the amount of fat is minimal. Likewise, as information, soy sauce provides around 50 calories per 100 grams of product, an amount that is not alarming. Do you dare to prepare the recipe? Stay and discover with us how to make pasta with chicken, vegetables and soy, you will love the combination of flavors!

Ingredients to make Pasta with chicken, vegetables and soy:

  • 200 grams of Spaghetti
  • ½ carrot
  • 1 piece of leek
  • ½ tomato
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ¼ green pepper
  • ¼ red bell pepper
  • 2 mushrooms
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 piece of chicken breast
  • 1 piece of zucchini
  • 1 splash of soy sauce

How to make Pasta with Chicken, Vegetables and Soy:

  1. The first thing we must do to start preparing the chicken spaghetti in soy sauce is to prepare the ingredients.
  2. To do this, finely chop the garlic and the leek, the peppers, the tomato and the mushrooms. For its part, grate the carrot and zucchini.
  3. In parallel, we boil the pastafollowing the instructions on the package. We have opted for spaghetti, but this recipe for pasta with chicken, vegetables and soy is suitable for any other type.
  4. Once we have everything ready, we put a splash of oil to heat in a non-stick pan.
  5. When it is hot, lightly brown the minced garlicand then add the leek.
  6. It is very important not to stop moving these ingredients to prevent them from burning, as well as cooking them over medium heat.
  7. When the above ingredients are ready, add the chopped peppersand continue preparing the stir-fry that will accompany the pasta in soy sauce.
  8. All the ingredients indicated in the recipe are modifiable, so you can adapt them to your liking, add more or less quantity, etc. Add a pinch of salt to taste.
  9. Once the peppers are soft, add the grated carrotand stir to integrate it with the rest of the ingredients.
  10. Let it cook for a few minutes and also add the zucchini.
  11. As you can see, this recipe for spaghetti with chicken is ideal for getting the little ones to eat all those vegetables that they always tend to reject, since mixed with soybeans and pasta they are hardly noticeable.
  12. Now is the time to add the grated tomatoto enhance the flavor of the recipe and make complete stir-fry pasta.
  13. Although we have chosen to incorporate half a tomato, if you prefer you can add the whole tomato, to your liking!
  14. Once the tomato is integrated, we add the chopped chicken breastand cook it.
  15. When it is almost ready, add the mushrooms and continue stirring the preparation so that the pasta with vegetables and chicken is perfect.
  16. When we have the vegetable stir-fry ready, we add soy sauce to tasteand stir so that all the ingredients are impregnated with their flavor and aroma.
  17. You can incorporate the amount you want, you can even add a little now and once the pasta is integrated a little more.
  18. Add the drained pastaand mix well to integrate it with the vegetables, chicken and soy sauce.
  19. We recommend testing the recipe at this point to determine if you need more salt or soy sauce.
  20. Ready! Pasta with chicken, vegetables and soyis a complete, nutritious dish and ideal to take to work if you don’t know what to cook.
  21. Likewise, as we mentioned, it is a great way to get children to eat vegetables, a food that benefits their development so much.

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