Parsley Tea for Weight Loss

Ingredients to make parsley tea to lose weight:

  1. 500 milliliters of water
  2. 2 sprigs of parsley (if you can get a better piece of root)
  3. 1 lemon


  1. Pineapple
  2. Honey
  3. Cinnamon

How to make parsley tea to lose weight:

  • Chop the parsley or cut it into larger pieces. Parsley tea to lose weight can be taken by straining the drink at the end or not, so the way to chop it will depend on how you want to drink it.
  • Tip: Parsley root also has digestive and carminative properties, so it is advisable to add a piece to tea.
  • Heat the water with the parsley in a saucepan over high heat until it boils.
  • Tip: If you get a piece of root, add it to the water.
  • Add a slice or two of lemon to parsley tea to lose weight faster. The rest of the lemon should be squeezed to incorporate the juice at the end. Likewise, you have the option of incorporating a slice of pineapple, which is also diuretic and digestive. Consult the Pineapple tea recipe to lose weight to know all its benefits.
  • Tip: You can add a cinnamon stick to improve the flavor of the tea and enhance its slimming properties, since cinnamon also promotes fat burning.
  • Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes, remove the saucepan from the heat, cover it and let the water infuse for another 10 minutes.
  • Tip: You can also transfer the parsley infusion to another container to cover it by placing a plate on top if you don’t have a lid for that saucepan.
  • You can strain the tea or drink it with the pieces of parsley. In any case, when drinking parsley tea to lose weight, we recommend adding lemon juice and, optionally, a teaspoon of honey. Honey also promotes weight loss because it is considered a prebiotic food, so it balances intestinal transit. Likewise, it is anti-inflammatory and calms down, so you can also drink this parsley, lemon and honey tea in case you have a sore throat or stomach ache.

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