Parakeet Arepa Recipe

Learn how to make these delicious arepas stuffed with perico, a sautéed vegetable and egg. Not only is it very tasty and easy to make, but it is also very nutritious and healthy, since it provides less than 300 calories per serving.

In addition to being very tasty, the ingredients of this stir-fry are available all year round and do not require much skill from the person who prepares it. We could say that it is named after the colorful bird because of the variety of colors that the dish itself presents, although this is not certain. You can enjoy them at your breakfast with your favorite infusion or a nutritious fruit juice.

Ingredients to make arepa parakeet:

• 1 egg

• 2 small tomatoes

• 1 small onion

• ¼ red bell pepper

• ½ clove of garlic

• 2 arepas

How to make perico Arepa:

Begin the preparation of the filling for your perico arepa by chopping the vegetables. Sauté the onion, the red chili pepper and the garlic clove in a skillet over high heat with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil or spray. Once they start to brown, lower the heat to medium and add 1 teaspoon of water. When it evaporates, you can add 1 more teaspoon and repeat it as many times as you want depending on how cooked you like the vegetable.

Once you have achieved the desired doneness of your vegetables, add the washed and diced tomato and the egg. Stir constantly for 2 minutes so that the egg cooks and remove your preparation from the heat.

Proceed to heat, cut and fill your arepa with this delicious and easy moist filling. When cutting the arepa, make sure you don’t go all the way, since it should be like a book.

Tip: optional: add a ripe avocado to this filling, its wonderful!

Other versions of the perico arepa

If you wish, you can add green onion and seasonings such as cumin, pepper and salt to the sauté. In fact, by adding greenery, you add more colors and imitate the parakeet better. From the nutritional point of view, the more colors there are on the plate, the more variety of nutrients there will also be.

The combination of carbohydrates present in the arepa, egg proteins, yolk fats and vegetable fiber, give this dish a very high satiety value. This means that it will remain in your stomach longer and will make you arrive less hungry for the next meal, being able to moderate the portion in it. In addition, the combination of fiber and protein with the carbohydrates in the arepa help the increase in postprandial blood glucose to be progressive, reducing the production of fat in the body.

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