Papaya and Oatmeal Smoothie – Recipe and what it is for

Smoothies are always a good choice when we are in spring-summer, as they satisfy our thirst and can be very nutritious. Its benefits and properties will depend on the ingredients that we decide to integrate into them. On the other hand, in these seasons, most people begin to worry about their physique, about looking thinner and, above all, about fitting into a bathing suit, so it is the perfect opportunity to prepare them.

What is the papaya and oatmeal smoothie for?

The papaya and oat smoothie is very refreshing and hydrating. This is because 85% of the papaya is made up of water. In this way, if you want to know the benefits of papaya, below we share the nutritional value of papaya per 100 grams:

  • 3 grams of carbohydrates
  • 9 grams of fiber
  • 8g of vitamin C
  • 257g potassium

On the other hand, oats are a whole grain known for its high fiber content. The nutritional value of oats is made up of:

  • 361 calories
  • 2 grams of carbohydrates
  • 6 grams of protein
  • 1 grams of fat
  • 6 gr in fibers
  • 4mg sodium
  • 355mg potassium

If you want to know more about the calories and nutritional value of oats, see the article “Do oats make you fat or lose weight?”

Benefits of papaya and oatmeal smoothie

The combination of these two vegetables in a smoothie results in a high-fiber drink, so it will help combat constipation. It will also help us reduce inflammation and have a flatter stomach. Best of all, it also helps prevent colon cancer.

Due to the oat content, one of the benefits of the papaya and oat smoothie is that it will quickly give us a feeling of satiety, since it delays gastric emptying. On the other hand, it helps to combat bad cholesterol, since oats contain soluble fiber. Likewise, oats help to form a kind of mucilage in the stomach that works as a sponge for lipids and drags them along, so that they are eliminated in the feces.

Both papaya and oats contain antioxidants that are very beneficial to prevent premature oxidation of cells, which is also very good when it comes to preventing different types of cancer. Being a source of potassium, it is excellent for avoiding cramps, which often occur in hot weather due to excessive dehydration and loss of minerals.

For the same benefits mentioned, the papaya and oat smoothie is a cleansing and diuretic drink that helps detoxify the body. Generally, it is highly recommended to consume it in the morning and on an empty stomach.

Papaya and oatmeal smoothie – Basic recipe

Making papaya and oatmeal smoothie is very easy. To make the simplest and most basic recipe, you need very few ingredients and very little preparation time. To make it, we will place in a blender 700 g of papaya cut without skin and without seeds, 2 tablespoons of oats, and 400 milliliters of drinking water and, if desired, it can be sweetened with sweetener. Then, we proceed to turn on the blender until everything is homogeneous. We serve in a 250 ml glass. If you prefer ice cream you can place ice cubes.

To keep the papaya and oat smoothie in perfect condition, we place it in an airtight container, if possible. In this way, it will not take on flavors from other foods that are in the refrigerator. It can be kept for up to 24 hours.

Calories in papaya smoothie with oats

If you drink the whole papaya and oatmeal smoothie, you will be consuming approximately 205 Kcal. However, you will most likely not drink the entire shake at one time. In a 250 ml glass you will be consuming about 60 Kcal. Neither the water nor the sweetener will provide calories.

Papaya and oatmeal smoothie with milk

If instead of using water you make a papaya and oatmeal smoothie with partially skimmed cow’s milk, you will get a creamier preparation. It is to be expected, however, that the caloric content will increase. It will go from 60 Kcal to 100 Kcal for each glass.

If you prefer, you can also sweeten it with honey instead of sweetener. A honey-sweetened smoothie is also very nutritious and will give it a different touch. Of course, in this case we will also be adding extra calories. You will see what you like the most and perhaps you will find other alternatives that are more suited to your preferences.

Other options that you can prepare is a delicious papaya, oatmeal and cinnamon smoothie. However you prefer to consume it, the papaya and oatmeal smoothie is perfect to cleanse the colon and help us maintain excellent stomach health. Also, by including fruit, skimmed milk and oats, this smoothie is also perfect for treating gastritis, so we can take the papaya and oat smoothie for gastritis as long as we follow a proper diet in general.

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