Paparajotes Recipe

In this article, this time we are going to prepare a recipe for paparajotes, a delicious snack with the classic and nostalgic flavor of that dough that has been prepared all our lives in homes where it is tradition. With basic ingredients and an ingenious preparation, these delicious sweets from Murcian lands invite us to get down to work and enjoy them as a delicious dessert or snack that neither children nor adults will resist trying.

For this reason, we bring you all the steps you need to prepare some easy Murcian paparajotes, ready in 10 minutes once you have all the ingredients with you. Keep reading and discover how to make paparajotes and discover the best of Murcian cuisine!

Ingredients to make Paparajotes:

  • 15 lemon tree leaves (if they keep the tips of the branch, better)
  • 1 dessert spoon of chemical yeast or leavening powder
  • 1 small glass of brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 glasses of semi-skimmed milk
  • 200 grams of common flour
  • Zest of a lemon peel
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 glasses of olive oil to fry
  • 4 tablespoons of white sugar
  • 1 dessert spoon of ground cinnamon

How to make Paparajotes:

  1. It is very easy to prepare the dough to cover the lemon leaves, as it is very similar to the dough for fritters.
  2. To start, beat the eggs with the saltand when they form a foam, add the sugar and continue beating.
  3. Trick: Wash the lemon leaves and dry them carefully.
  4. Now, slowly add the flourand the yeast halfway through the flour.
  5.  Go beating to make it easier for the ingredients to integrate. It should leave a light cream.
  6. Tip: If the dough is too thick, add a splash of milk.
  7. Add the lemon zest and continue beating so that the mixture is completely homogeneous. Prepare a frying pan with oil and heat it up.
  8. Meanwhile, prepare the mixture of white sugar and cinnamon on a plate to coat the paparajotes.
  9. Trick: The Murcian paparajotes must be fried at a very high temperature so that the frying is ideal.
  10. Take the paparajote mass to a plate. Impregnate the lemon leaves with the doughand, carefully, fry them when you see that the oil is ready.
  11. Pay attention to prevent them from getting too brown when frying them, with a couple of minutes both sides will be ready.
  12. As you remove the paparajotes, coat them in cinnamon sugarand let them cool on a separate plate. Don’t fry too many sheets at once to avoid warping.
  13. Clever! This is the result of these typical sweets from Murcia. Paparajotes can be eaten in any season, they are delicious at any time, hot or cold.
  14. Trick: The leaves are not eaten, they will simply come out when stretched out of the dough.


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