Pangasius recipe with potatoes and shrimp sauce

Ingredients to make pangasius with potatoes and shrimp sauce:

  • Four pangasius fillets
  • Prawns 1/4
  • 3 large potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • Salt
  • Oil
  • Fruity white wine or, failing that, cooking

How to make pangasius with potatoes and shrimp sauce:

  1. Chop the onion well; put it in a cauldron with a good base, even if it is not high, with a splash of enough oil to fry the onion well and the garlic, once the potato has been peeled.
  2. Cut into slices, when the onion is well poached, add a little more than half a glass of fruity white wine, let the alcohol evaporate and add the prawns and potatoes.
  3. Add water for the sauce, because the potato will keep most of the juice.
  4. Add salt to taste, let it cook a bit and before the potato is soft or takes ten minutes to be ready.
  5. Add the panga well tucked into the sauce so that it cooks by taking the flavor over low heat or a 4 or 5 of the plate.
  6. Let it cook for ten minutes or less if you like it less soft, let it rest once turned off, it is recommended to leave the panga rather hard so that with the rest it will finish cooking.
  7. Always be careful so that the potato does not get drunk.

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