Pan-fried plantains with cheese recipe

In Venezuela, there is a variety of types and recipes for plantains and each one has a name. The banana, the pygmy, the apple tree, the mole and the banana are displayed daily in stores and street stalls. In Europe they only know two kinds and both call them banana. The male plantain, which in Venezuela is known as plain plantain, has infinite uses in the kitchen: soups, stews, cakes, and tortillas, as a side dish or main dish, sweets and much more.

In the Caribbean, there is always banana at lunch; it looks like bread on the table. Nothing is wasted from the plantain, as vegans use it to prepare shredded meat. In addition, in December the leaves of the tree are used to wrap the fragrant halluces… yum! Even sweets and meals can be presented in these fragrant leaves, giving them an exotic elegance. When you find yourself in the presence of this tree, the smell gives it off when hit by the breeze tells you: welcome to the Caribbean!

This fruit is an excellent companion to prepare recipes with plantains and meat, chicken, chocolate, ham, eggs or cheese, among others. For this reason, the list of typical Venezuelan dishes with plantains is endless, without exaggeration: pat cones, fried plantains, plantain fritters, plantain catalpas, plantain areas, plantain cake, church cake, plantain cake, slices, plantain boiled etc.

This time we share with you a very simple recipe for ripe plantains with cheese in a pan, so that you can enjoy the wonderful fruit of the Caribbean. On this occasion, the banana shows off its versatility, combined with white cheese. The typical salty-sweet flavor of these lands!

But the male plantain is not only tasty…no. It has a large amount of nutrients, ideal to keep you healthy and vigorous. Among which we can mention Magnesium, potassium and vitamins C, B-6 and A.

How good is this kind of ripe plantain with cheese? Well, very similar to its relative, the banana: it helps the digestive system, benefits the muscles, balances blood sugar, levels blood pressure, protects the heart, nourishes the skin, improves eyesight, strengthens bones, provides energy, it eliminates wrinkles, keeps free radicals at bay and… it makes you smile!

Ingredients to make ripe plantains with cheese in a pan:

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 200 grams of grated white cheese
  • 1 tablespoon butter

How to make Ripe Plantains with Cheese in a Skillet:

  1. Place the ingredients on the table to prepare this recipe in a pan of plantains with cheese … There are only 3!
  2. Use a preferably non-stick frying pan. Moisten the bottom a little with water.
  3. Make a vertical cut in the banana.
  4. You can place a lid to concentrate the heat, but leave a small space for the steam to escape.
  5. Cook the ripe plantain side by side for 8-10 minutes on each side.
  6. Don’t let the water dry up. How practical is this bread recipe!
  7. When the banana is ready, peel it and open it in half. Place the butter in the pan and lightly sauté the plantain.
  8. Then, you deposit the grated white cheese in the center. Wait until it melts a bit. How delicious are the fried plantains stuffed with cheese!
  9. The ripe plantain with fried cheese gives off a smell that invites you to… devour it

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