Paleo Pizza Crust Recipe

In a paleo diet, wheat flour is replaced by healthier and low-carb options like this paleo cauliflower pizza dough that we are going to show you below. But how do you make pizza dough without flour? Right here we show you the step by step of this paleo pizza dough made only with cauliflower, broccoli and egg.

We are sure that children will love it just the same once you complete your paleo pizza to taste, so it is a good option for the whole family, since this paleo pizza dough does not contain gluten, sugar or lactose. Do you dare to try it?

Ingredients to make paleo pizza dough:

  • 1 unit of small cauliflower
  • ½ unit of broccoli
  • 1 egg
  • 1 pinch of garlic powder
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make paleo pizza crust:

  1. There’s no secret to making this paleo cauliflower pizza crust recipe, so start by washing and cutting the broccoli and cauliflowerinto chunks
  2. Cook the vegetables for the paleo cauliflower pizza dough in a pot with plenty of water and salt for 10 minutes, or until they are slightly soft.
  3. Then drain and mash the vegetablesuntil they are completely shredded and then place them in the center of a clean kitchen towel or cloth.
  4. Tip:The vegetables in the paleo pizza crust should not be overcooked so they do not puree after shredding. Another option is to steam or microwave them.
  5. This is the key moment of the paleo pizza dough recipe: wrap the cauliflower and broccoli in the kitchen towel or towel and squeeze or squeeze them to remove as much wateras possible.
  6. You’ll be impressed with how much water these vegetables release, so give them a good squeeze until they’re completely dry.
  7. Place the vegetables in a bowl and add the egg, garlic powder, black pepper and salt to taste. Mix everything very well until you get soft cauliflower paleo pizza dough.
  8. Roll out the paleo pizza dough on a greased parchment lined baking sheet. Flatten well with the help of a spatula, leaving it uniform and with rounded edges.
  9. Bake at 200°C for 10-15 minutesor until the edges start to brown.
  10. Tip:The paleo pizza dough should not be thicker than 0.5 cm, or it will not bake well.
  11. Once baked, the cauliflower paleo pizza doughwill be ready to add a good homemade tomato sauce and the ingredients on top that you like the most to get a paleo pizza to your liking.

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