Oven Gratin Vegetables Recipe

If you like baked vegetables with cheese and tomato, you will love this dish, it is delicious. In addition, the gratin vegetables are exquisite, since the cheese provides a lot of flavor. You can also add the vegetables that you like the most and those that are in season. This dish is also used to take advantage of the vegetables that are left in the fridge and thus accompany any dish. Do you dare to cook with us? In this article we teach you how to make vegetables au gratin in the light oven. Let’s go there!

Ingredients to make Baked Vegetables Gratin:

  • 2 eggplants
  • 2 courgettes
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 100 grams of fried tomato
  • 200 grams of fresh mozzarella cheese
  • 50 grams of grated cheese
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Baked Vegetables Gratin:

To make the baked vegetables with cheese, start by turning the oven on to 180ºC with heat up and down. Next, wash the vegetables, if you like you can leave the skin on the vegetables. On this occasion, we have left the skin. Also, cut the aubergines, zucchini and tomato into not very thick slices, salt and add a little pepper. Acquire an oven-safe dish and add a layer of fried tomato to the bottom of the dish. The amount is to taste. Place the vegetables in slices alternating them, in our case we have added one of aubergine, 2-3 of zucchini and the tomato every 5-6 pieces, since the flavor predominates more.

Trick: if the mold is round, you can make a circle in the mold and, if it is rectangular, you can put the vegetables in rows, so it will be more attractive.

Cut the mozzarella into 1cm slices and, when all the vegetables are placed in the dish, add the mozzarella between the vegetable slices, also alternating. Add a splash of olive oil and put the dish in the oven, place it in the central part with heat up and down so that everything cooks well. Leave about 20 minutes for the baked vegetables to cook au gratin and are tender. After the indicated time, remove the pan from the oven and add the grated cheese on top. Then add it back to the oven to finish cooking and gratin the vegetables.

When you have the vegetables gratin with cheese, remove from the oven and serve. An ideal dish to accompany meat or fish! Tell us your opinion in the comments and share with us a photograph of the final result.

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