Oven Dry Tortilla Soup Recipe

Mexican soup is one of the most common appetizers that we find when eating somewhere like a restaurant because they are very popular and come in countless styles and forms: some are dry, others soupy, some are prepared with pasta, others with meat. And others with tortilla.

This time we have decided to bring you a delicious but very simple corn tortilla soup, which will be perfect for those occasions with little time to prepare and will result in an incredible appetizer with which you will leave everyone with their mouths open and ready for the main course.

You already know how that saying goes: if something starts well, it will end well, so this recipe for dry baked tortilla soup will make you look very good, we assure you of that.

Ingredients to make dry baked tortilla soup:

  • 16 pieces of corn tortilla
  • ¼ piece of Onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 piece of Serrano chili
  • 5 pieces of red tomato
  • 1 pinch of spray oil

How to make Oven Dry Tortilla Soup:

  • In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare this delicious baked dry tortilla soup, do not miss any details.
  • We are going to start by preparing the sauce for this tortilla soup: for this we take the perfectly clean red tomatoes and place them in a saucepan with enough boiling water, together with the onion, garlic and Serrano pepper, and let them cook for 7 minutes on high heat.
  • Once this time has passed, we remove everything from the heat and place it in the blender, add a pinch of salt and pepper, and begin to blend until obtaining a homogeneous mixture for the Mexican soup.
  • We take our sauce and place it in a saucepan with previously heated oil, let it cool for 6 minutes and once ready, remove it from the heat and set aside for a moment.
  • Meanwhile we take our corn tortillas and slice them into strips, as we can see in the following image.
  • Now we place the strips of corn tortillas in the baking tray, we distribute them very well throughout the tray so that they are not piled up and we spray them with a little spray oil, just one or two short shots.
  • Once ready, we take them to bake for 7 minutes at 180 ° C, or until we see that they turn golden. We must take care that they are not going to burn, so you must be aware of the time in the oven.
  • Once our tortilla strips are golden, we remove them from the oven, place them in a bowl and add the sauce that we prepared a moment ago. Only one or two tablespoons of sauce, since it is a dry soup.
  • AND READY! We serve our dry baked tortilla soup hot and with a little chopped cilantro. Enjoy it!

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