Oven-baked trout recipe

Eating fish is essential for a healthy diet and if you run out of ideas or are already tired of always cooking the same thing, we present you with a range of options for cooking fish and this time, we bring you a recipe with trout.

Trout is a fish that provides proteins of high biological value to our body, this means that it is a healthy food and that we must include in our diet without a doubt.

So let’s go with the step by step of this baked onion trout that is delicious and is prepared easily and quickly.

Ingredients to make baked trout with onions:

  • 4 trout
  • 2 onion
  • 1 branch of Thyme
  • 2 teaspoons of minced garlic
  • ½ glass of white wine
  • ½ glass of olive oil
  • 1 branch of parsley

How to make baked trout with onions:

  1. We gathered all the ingredients to prepare this fabulous baked trout recipe.
  2. Chop the onion and parsley. When we prepare “onion” dishes, it is best to cut the onion into thin julienne strips.
  3. Once everything has been chopped, spray olive oil on a baking tray and cover with all the onion and parsley, as seen in the photo.
  4. We put the tray in the oven and start cooking at 150ºC. For 15 minutes. In this way we brown the onion before cooking the fish, which will be much faster.
  5. Meanwhile, we clean the fish very well. The idea is that we have trout loins without bones, so cut the head, open and remove all the bones, as seen in the photo.
  6. Place the fillets on top of the onion, once the 15 minutes have passed, and season them with the salt, the spices and the white wine. Then continue cooking, rising to 180ºC. For 15 more minutes.
  7. After this time we can remove the tray and serve our baked trout with onion.

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