Orio Hake recipe

“Orio” refers to the cooking technique originating in the Basque Country, based on the mixture of vinegar, parsley, garlic and cayenne if you like spicy. Hake is one of the most appreciated fish in the world, since we can get it throughout the year and its price is usually not very high. In addition, it provides important nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins and minerals, and very few calories. For all these reasons, it is so common to find an infinite number of recipes with this product.

The recipe that we are going to show is a succulent typical dish from the Basque Country, very simple to prepare and delicious. It is cooked in the oven and its caloric content is quite low, so, in short, it is a dish of 10. Do you want to know the step by step? Keep reading and learn with us how to make orio hack.

Ingredients to make Hake al orio:

  • 8 hake fillets without skin or bones (thick)
  • 1 piece of mixed pepper
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2 large potatoes
  • 1 handful of fresh parsley
  • 1 small glass of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 dried cayenne
  • 1 splash of extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 pinches of salt
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 1 small glass of sunflower oil for frying

How to make Orio Hake:

  1. Peel and cut the potatoes into fairly thick slices, heat the oil and fry them, but only browning them on the outside so that they finish cooking in the oven afterwards. Keep the heat high to achieve this, take them out and leave them on a plate with kitchen paper.
  2. Cut the pepper into thin strips and the garlic cloves into slices; add them to the pan with a cayenne pepper if you want your orio hake recipe to have a spicy touch. Sauté for 3 minutes, stirring so that they brown on all sides and remove.
  3. Trick: Heat the oven to 180ºC with heat up and down.
  4. Place the potatoes on a baking tray, pour in the white wine and place the skinless and boneless hake fillets on top.
  5. Pour a trickle of olive oil over the hake fillets, take the tray by both ends and move it slightly so that the oil is distributed and mixed with the wine. Bake the hake for 15 minutes.
  6. Put the garlic and pepper sauce back on the heat. Chop the parsley, mix it with the vinegar, add it to the sauce and let it boil for 1 minute. Then put out the fire.
  7. After 15 minutes of cooking the hake, distribute the previous sauce over it, add a few pinches of salt on top and cook the hake in orio for 10 more minutes. Keep an eye on the oven so it doesn’t run out of juice.
  8. Ready to serve! You can accompany your dish with a large green sprout salad with pickled gherkins, Basque papered, some toasted sticks and a good txakolí. You and yours will be delighted with this nutritious and delicious hake recipe.

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