Original Veal Stroganoff Recipe

Ingredients to make Original Veal Stroganoff:

  • 1 kg of beef ragout
  • 150 gr. of onion
  • 1 glass of cream (200 mml)
  • 1/2 leek
  • Oil
  • 1 dl white wine
  • Tomato sauce (Optional)
  • Pepper
  • 150 mml Spanish Sauce
  • Salt
  • Peppers

How to make Original Beef Stroganoff:

  1. Season the meat with salt and pepper and a pinch of paprika, and brown it in the casserole with a jet of oil over high heat for about 4-5 minutes, remove it from the casserole and reserve.
  2. In the same oil, sauté the onion and the leek previously chopped in brunoises.
  3. Add the white wine and reduce, add the cream and reduce again.
  4. Add the Spanish sauce and season with salt. Add the meat to the sauce and cook for about 30-40 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  5. If you want to give it a little color, add a couple of tablespoons of tomato sauce.
  6. As a garnish add some sliced ​​mushrooms or white rice.

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