Oreo Cake Filling Recipe

Looking for an Oreo cookie filling recipe for cakes, pies, or cupcakes? Well, pay attention to this step by step of this article! Here we share this recipe for Oreo cream filling to fill cakes and other very firm and delicious desserts, with which you will surely satisfy even the most demanding sweet tooth.

Only three ingredients are needed to prepare this Oreo cake filling: cream, powdered milk and Oreo cookies. Is there something simpler and better tasting? Check the preparation instructions for this Oreo cream to spread, decorate or fill desserts, and you’ll see how you won’t regret it!

Ingredients to make Oreo Cake Filling:

  • 2 cans of fresh milk cream or cold liquid cream
  • 4 tablespoons of powdered milk
  • 1 package of Oreo cookies
  • Refined or icing sugar (optional)

How to make Oreo Cake Filling:

  1. Whip the milk or cream for desserts until it doubles its volume and becomes very creamy.
  2. Then add the powdered milk while you continue to beat until it is consistent, as in the photograph.
  3. Tip: Reserve the milk cream in the fridge for at least 2 hours before preparing this recipe for Oreo cream to fill cakes.
  4. This way you guarantee that it stays at the ideal temperature to hit and stay constant.
  5. Break the Oreo cookies into pieces and add half of the previous cream
  6. Beat until the cookies are well incorporated, mixing them. Try the Oreo cream to spread and, if you consider it necessary, add sugar to taste to sweeten it.
  7. Tip: If you want a thicker Oreo cake filling, add a little more powdered milk and beat again until well mixed.
  8. Add the remaining chopped cookies to the cream and mix without beating. And you will have the Oreo cream filling for cakesready to use in your favorite desserts. Experiment and tell us which preparation you have filled!
  9. Trick: Keep it in the fridge or refrigerator if you are not going to use it at the moment so that it can be kept properly.


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