Orange Sole Fillets Recipe with Thermo mix

Ingredients to make Orange Sole Fillets with Thermo mix:

  • 300 g fresh or frozen sole fillets
  • 1 glass of dry white wine
  • the juice of half an orange
  • the pulp of half an orange
  • 100g butter
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 oranges in slices to accompany

How to make Orange Sole Fillets with Thermo mix:

  1. Wash the sole fillets and put them in the Varoma container.
  2. In the glass put the white wine, a tablespoon of water, a piece of butter, the pulp of the orange, salt and pepper. Place the aroma container and program 13 minutes aroma temperature speed 1.
  3. When it stops, take out the aroma container and add the 2 egg yolks, the rest of the butter in pieces, the orange juice and rectify the seasoning.
  4. Program 4 minutes 100º and speed 4.
  5. Pour the sauce over the fillets, which would have been placed on a platter.
  6. We will pass the orange slices a little through the pan, with a little butter; we will put them around the source.

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