Orange pudding recipe

Orange pudding, a simple and quick dessert to prepare. An economical and easy-to-use sweet, a traditional recipe from our grandmothers that is always a success due to its flavor and texture. Now, if we had to define that texture, we could say that the pudding is a dessert that mixes the orange flan and the orange cake, since it is not completely fluffy, but it is not completely creamy either.

The most traditional is bread pudding, however, today there are many variants that exist, since nuts, chocolate or fruits such as oranges can be added to this basic recipe. Likewise, it should be noted that if it is prepared from one day to the next, it is much better! If you have already dared to try this delight, keep reading and discover how to make orange pudding, an easy and delicious recipe with this article.

Ingredients to make Orange Pudding:

  • 1 envelope of powders to make the flan
  • 300 milliliters of milk (1¼ cups)
  • 100 milliliters of orange juice
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 piece of orange peel
  • 7 slices of day-old bread
  • 1 jar of liquid caramel

How to make Orange Pudding:

  1. In a jug we put the orange juice and a little milk. We will put the rest of the milk in a casserole to heat over medium heat, together with the sugar and pieces of orange peel, and we will stir.
  2. While the milk is heating up, in the jug we will mix the liquid with the flan powder envelope. We will remove it well so that it is well dissolved and there are no lumps.
  3. This is a much faster way to make the orange pudding, however, if you want to make the flan in its entirety, at the end of the recipe we will tell you how.
  4. When the milk in the saucepan begins to heat, remove the orange peel and add the slices of bread.
  5. Since we are making a recipe for use, we recommend using bread from the day before.
  6. We cover the bottom of a mold with liquid caramel. You can buy the caramel already made.
  7. Add the preparation found in the jar to the hot milk with the bread, that is, the lemon juice mixed with the flan powder.
  8. Stir until a thick mixture is left. And when it starts to boil, we remove it from the heat.
  9. Pour the mixture into the mold, let it warm and reserve the orange pudding in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours or, better, overnight.
  10. After this time, we take it out of the fridge and serve. With this recipe, there is a delicious, soft and very aromatic moist orange pudding.
  11. We can serve it accompanied by whipped cream, or chocolate whipped cream if we want to obtain an orange and chocolate pudding.


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