Orange Pancake Cake Recipe

This Orange Pancake Cake with Whipped Cream is amazing! In addition to being easy to prepare if you follow all the steps, it is deliciously sweet and good and, although it takes a while to prepare, we assure you from this article that the result is very worth it.

If you want to know how to make an orange pancake cake step by step like the traditional ones prepared in Chile, check out my version of this recipe for a cake made with so simple and special pancakes with a citrus flavor.

Ingredients to make Orange Pancake Cake:

  • For the orange pancakes:
  • 450 grams of icing sugar
  • 450 grams of butter or margarine
  • 450 grams of self-rising flour
  • 8 eggs
  • 1 grated orange peel
  • 1 teaspoon of orange essence
  • For the orange syrup:
  • 250 milliliters of natural orange juice
  • 250 grams of sugar (1¼ cups)
  • For the filling:
  • 500 milliliters of liquid cream or whipping cream (with a minimum of 35% MG)
  • 100 grams of sugar (½ cup)
  • For decoration:
  • Oranges (optional)
  • Raspberries (optional)

How to make Orange Pancake Cake:

  1. First of all, cut rounded pieces of greaseproof or parchment paper the size you are going to make the homemade orange pancake cake.
  2. In this case, I have used a removable mold of 24 cm in diameter, so I have taken the base to draw the shape on the baking paper and cut it out later.
  3. I have cut about 10 pieces trying to leave a kind of tabs or tabs on the sides to be able to manipulate the baked pancakes more easily later.
  4. Prepare thepancake pie dough by first beating the butter or margarine with the icing sugar until you get a homogeneous and smooth cream.
  5. Trick: Better if you beat them with a KitchenAid-type electric mixer
  6. Add the eggs one at a time until they are all well integrated. Then add the essence and the zest of the orange peel and beat again a little.
  7. Trick: Do not add another egg until the previous one is well integrated.
  8. Add the previously sifted flour and beat again until you get a homogeneous mixture for the crepe cake batter with cream.
  9. Tip: If you don’t have self-rising flour, you can use plain flour and add a teaspoon of baking powder or Royal-type yeast.
  10. Preheat the oven to 200ºC. In the meantime, place the cut parchment discs on a baking tray or something similar with enough space between them and start distributing portions of dough on them.
  11. Tip: Surely you will fit about 2-4 pancakes at a time in the oven depending on how yours is so do not rush.
  12. Spread the batter intothin, round pancakes with the help of the flat part of a spoon or a spatula almost to the edges, but do not cover the lashes.
  13. Trick: To do it more professionally, place all the pancake batter in a pastry bag and pour it directly into the paper discs.
  14. Bake the discs with thepancake pie crust for about 8-10 minutes, or until they start to brown around the edges. Then let them cool and reserve without removing them from the paper yet.
  15. To prepare the orange syrup, pour the strained natural orange juice and sugar into a pot and heat them over the heat, stirring until they come to a boil.
  16.  Then let them simmer over low heat until you get a kind of thick caramel. Let it cool and reserve.
  17. If you prefer, try this recipe for orange peels in syrup that serves the same.
  18. Trick: If you add a squeeze of lemon to the syrup at the end it will have a delicious bitter aftertaste and it will look brighter.
  19. Prepare the filling for the easy orange pancake cake by mounting the liquid cream or milk cream with the help of the whisk or an electric mixer and adding the sugar until mixed well. Booking.
  20. You can also prepare the orange pastry cream recipe as a filling if you like it more.
  21. Trick: I recommend that you put both the cream and the bowl where you are going to assemble it in the fridge half an hour before so that it can be done more easily and quickly.
  22. Assemble the orange pancake cake step by step as follows: first line the mold where you want to make it with cling film or an open transparent plastic bag, making sure that there is plenty of excess around the edges.
  23. Place the first pancake (which is supposed to be already cooled) on the base of the mold, turning it over so that the parchment paper is on top, then, with the help of the little tabs, peel it off the surface.
  24. Soak the surface of the crepe with theorange syrup using a kitchen brush to make it slightly moist and then place a thin layer of whipped cream.
  25. Cover this with another pancake on top and repeat the same operation until you finish all the pancakes. Do not put cream on top, just moisten the crepe with the orange syrup.
  26. Once the cake made with pancakes is assembled, cover it with the plastic wrap or the leftover plastic bag and put it in the fridge or refrigerator to rest for about 2 hours.
  27. After this time, unwrap the crepe cake with cream and unmold it by turning it on the other side on a plate or flat plate.
  28. To decorate it, I have mixed a bit of the excess syrup with a few natural raspberries and orange segments and I have sprinkled it on top of each portion that I have cut, but you can also prepare an orange custard or orange curd to decorate the cake of homemade orange pancake.
  29. Trick: With these ingredients you will get a 24 cm diameter cake but if you want it bigger or smaller you just have to modify the amounts in proportion.


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