Orange granita recipe

The orange granita consists of a delicious rich, fresh and natural drink for the summer. In addition, it is very easy to prepare, with only three ingredients you will have it ready. Even if you have left over, you can keep it in the freezer for the hottest moments. A very appetizing orange sorbet full of vitamins, a good way to drink fruit. Making granitas at home will be very easy for you!

In this article we teach you how to make homemade orange granita. Let’s go there!

Ingredients to make Orange Granita:

  • 500 milliliters of orange juice (4-5 oranges)
  • 250 milliliters of water
  • 250 grams of sugar (1¼ cups)

How to make Orange Granita:

  1. To start with the orange granita recipe, first place a saucepan to heat over medium heat with the 250 ml. of water and the 250 gr. of sugar, stir until the sugar is well dissolved.
  2. Leave it for 20-30 minutes until you get a syrup, you must be careful that it does not stick or stay dry.
  3. If you like more flavored slush, you can add very clean strips of orange peel, let them cook until the syrup is made, which will have taken on all the flavor.
  4. On the other hand, if you wish, you can make the sugar-free orange granita.
  5. Tip: if you like the flavor of the orange granita to be sweeter, you can add more sugar, sometimes oranges tend to be very sour or do not have much flavor.
  6. On the other hand, prepare the juice. To do this, squeeze the oranges until you get 500 ml. of  If you prefer, you can strain the juice if you don’t like leftover pulp. Then transfer it to a pitcher.
  7. When the syrup is made, remove from the heat and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  8. Slowly so as not to burn yourself, pass the sugar syrup that you have prepared to the jug next to the juice.
  9. If you wish, you can taste it to see if it is to your liking, at this point you can add more juice or more water. Next, put the jug in the fridge to cool the orange juice.
  10. Trick: you can also put the bowl where you are going to prepare the granita in the freezer so that it can cool down well.
  11. Remove the juice from the fridgeand the bowl from the freezer. Then, add all the liquid in the bowl, cover and put in the freezer, leave it for 1 hour.
  12. After 1 hour, remove the bowl from the freezer and with a fork remove the liquid and the walls of the mold, since it will become frosty.
  13.  Then, put it back in the freezer for another hour and mix again.
  14.  Next, put the bowl in the freezer and do so 4-5 times until the granita is formed to your liking.
  15. When the granita is ready, with the help of a spoon or a fork, place it in a glass to serve it.
  16. The delicious orangeade is ready.
  17. Tip: if you prefer to make the slush smoother, you can make a delicious creamy orange sorbet, you just have to leave it less time in the freezer.


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